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Replace unmaintained humantime crate with jiff (#15290)
<!-- Thanks for submitting a pull request 🎉! Here are some tips for you: * If this is your first contribution, read "Cargo Contribution Guide" first: * Run `cargo fmt --all` to format your code changes. * Small commits and pull requests are always preferable and easy to review. * If your idea is large and needs feedback from the community, read how: * Cargo takes care of compatibility. Read our design principles: * When changing help text of cargo commands, follow the steps to generate docs: * If your PR is not finished, set it as "draft" PR or add "WIP" in its title. * It's ok to use the CI resources to test your PR, but please don't abuse them. ### What does this PR try to resolve? Explain the motivation behind this change. A clear overview along with an in-depth explanation are helpful. You can use `Fixes #<issue number>` to associate this PR to an existing issue. ### How should we test and review this PR? Demonstrate how you test this change and guide reviewers through your PR. With a smooth review process, a pull request usually gets reviewed quicker. If you don't know how to write and run your tests, please read the guide: ### Additional information Other information you want to mention in this PR, such as prior arts, future extensions, an unresolved problem, or a TODO list. --> The crate [`humantime`]( appears to be unmaintained. There's open PR in RustSec's advisory-db about this: rustsec/advisory-db#2249 The crates [`clap`]( and [`env_logger`]( have already made the switch from `humantime` to [`jiff`]( * clap-rs/clap#5944 * rust-cli/env_logger#352 The `jiff` crate is already dependency on `cargo` via `gix` (albeit old 0.1 version, but that's probably fixed in [next gix release](GitoxideLabs/gitoxide@3ae99a4)): ``` jiff v0.1.29 └── gix-date v0.9.3 ├── gix v0.70.0 │ └── cargo v0.88.0 (/Users/oherrala/rust/cargo) ``` This PR shouldn't have any functional change to cargo itself.
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