- Pro
endpoints-checker Public
Tool to check periodically a set of services defined in a configuration schema
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2023 -
fastly-s3-integration Public
Tutorial for Fastly integration with S3 to deliver and cache assets stored in multiple S3 buckets through the Fastly CDN
ssh-tunneling Public
Tutorial and script to use SSH tunneling like a ninja
aws-utils Public template
Forked from gigigoapps/aws-utilsUtilities and resources to build and deploy Gigigo projects on Amazon Web Services
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2021 -
vagrant-custom-linux Public template
Customizable Vagrantfile to provision and run CentOS, Debian & Ubuntu VMs based on VirtualBox provider
deploy-docker-app-aws-eb Public template
Custom CLI to deploy a dockerized Spring boot application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
thingsboard-aws-eb Public template
ThingsBoard dockerized application deployment to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
ec2-amis Public
Tool to create and rotate EC2 AMIs and associated snapshots
files-s3-backup Public
Tool to do backup of the selected directories and files on a server and send the resulting TAR file to AWS S3
bitbucket-jenkins-connector Public
Web service to integrate Bitbucket webhooks with Jenkins multi-branch projects
vhost-templates Public template
Nginx & Apache VHost templates for PHP & other proxied web applications (Node.js, Java, ...)
MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2021 -
Hermes Public
Forked from rherranzg/HermesHermes moves freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine. It uses AWS Lambda to do its work.
Python UpdatedDec 19, 2020 -
nginx-uwsgi-python Public template
Configuration example to execute Python scripts via CGI through Nginx and uWSGI application server
git-matrix Public
Script to manage Git projects with multiple submodules and multiple environment branches per repository
memcached-dump Public
Forked from juanber84/memcached-dumpDump and restore your memcached information
Python UpdatedMay 5, 2019