Releases: rubengees/introduction
Releases · rubengees/introduction
- The current index is set as a tag in the root view of each slide Fragment
- New transformator: ColorPageTransformator. Copy it to your project of you want a color transition between your slides.
(Thanks @CliffCawley for the suggestion and the link) - Transformators now inherit from BasePageTransformater which makes it easier to implement them. See the updated sample.
- Google libs, Gradle wrapper, build-tools, Gradle plugin
Improve everything
External changes
- The behaviour of the back buttons has changed. Now the user can't exit the introduction by clicking back. This can be changed by using the new method
. - New min sdk of 8
- New buttons without the semi transparent background -> More simple look
- Layout animations for the skip button and the dot indicator
- Ripple effect for the buttons
Internal changes
- FitsSystemWindows is now used for the translucent style
- This is better than the previous (hacky) solution as it makes the system calculate the appropriate paddings for the views which may lie under translucent components and thus guarantee to work on future versions of Android. Previously we calculated the paddings ourself by accessing private values which may disappear in a future version.
- Another benefit is that the systembartint library is not used anymore which makes it possible to set the min sdk to 8.
- Many layout improvements which should improve the overall performance
- The percent support library is now in use
- Updates: Gradle, Gradle Plugin, Glide in the sample