Hello! I do work in the areas of machine learning, physics, and software development. I also work on improving methods for testing scientific/research software, and am a maintainer for the Hypothesis testing library. I am passionate about education, and created the CogWorks course at the MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute as well as the website Python Like You Mean It.
- hydra-zen: Making Hydra more pythonic and easier to use at-scale for ML workflows and expriments
- responsible-ai-toolbox: PyTorch-centric library for evaluating and enhancing the robustness of AI technologies.
- MyGrad: Drop-in automatic differentiation for NumPy
- noggin: A simple tool for logging and plotting metrics in real time
- custom_inherit: inheriting and merging docstrings in customizable ways (my first ever open source project!)
- Property-based testing tutorial (with co-author Zac Dodds)