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RSE Phenotypes

This is a repository of Research Software Engineer Phenotypes, generated at It uses the Twitter Share Action to generate the link to share an image that you contribute to this repository via pull request. The image should end in *.png.

Why do we have phenotypes?

The act of creating the phenotype, in an of itself, can provide great insights. Thinking about the dimension(s) under which you (or a fellow Research Software Engineer) are defined can encourage introspection and reveal insights about different ways that we can define RSEs.

In addition, we've provided a listing of questions below to support this introspection. If you have additional questions to add, please don't hesitate to open an issue.



  • What is a Research Software Engineer?: Based on your experience, how would you define a Research Software Engineer?
  • What are the dimensions of a Research Software Engineer?: Do you see most RSEs being defined on a set of dimensions? For example, is it typical to see an RSE lie somewhere on a dimension between domain researcher and software engineer, or are there more dimensions?
  • What are your primary roles? Break down your day to day life into percentages of what you do, who you interact with, etc.
  • Why is this a relatively new role? and why did it come to be?
  • If I'm an interested student, how do I become a Research Software Engineer? and if I'm an RSE, how do I get engaged with other RSEs?

Goals and Challenges

  • What are your primary goals? and specifically, what goals do you have for your community, and for yourself?
  • What are some of the challenges that you face? On a day to day basis, what makes your life hard?
  • How do you manage your own growth? Or is there an external method?
  • What do you see as the future of RSEs? Specifically, how is the world now, and how do you want it to be?
  • What makes you unique from other RSEs?


  • How do you interact with others? Specifically, how do you interact with people at your institution, other institutions, and in industry?
  • Are you active in open source? and do you think open source is a component of being an RSE?


  • Tell us something funny or special about your institution
  • How do you catch a Research Software Engineer in the wild?