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An application level TinyUSB USB MIDI Host driver for the RP2040


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This README file contains the design notes and limitations of the usb_midi_host application driver for TinyUSB. This driver supports both C/C++ development and Arduino development. The code in this project should run on any TinyUSB supported processor with USB Host Bulk endpoint support, but the driver and example code have only been tested on a RP2040 in a Raspberry Pi Pico board.

By default, this driver supports up to 4 USB MIDI devices connected through a USB hub, or a single device that may or may not be connected through a hub.

Table of Contents


The application driver code is based on code that rppicomidi submitted to TinyUSB as pull request #1219. The pull request was never merged and got stale. TinyUSB pull request #1627 by atoktoto started with pull request #1219, but used simpler RP2040 bulk endpoint support from TinyUSB pull request #1434. Pull request #1627 was reviewed by todbot, AndrewCapon, PaulHamsh, and rppicomidi and was substantially functional. This driver copied the midi_host.c/h files from pull request #1627 and renamed them usb_midi_host.c/h. It also fixed some minor issues in the driver API and added the application driver wrapper usb_midi_host_app_driver.c. The driver C example code code is adapted from TinyUSB pull request #1219.


Although it is possible in the future for the TinyUSB stack to incorporate this driver into its builtin driver support, right now it is used as an application driver external to the stack. Installing the driver to the TinyUSB stack requires adding it to the array of application drivers returned by the usbh_app_driver_get_cb() function.

Building C/C++ Applications

Basic Environment Setup

Before you attempt to build any C/C++ applications, be sure you have the toolchain properly installed and the pico-sdk installed. Please make sure you can build and run the blink example found in the Getting Started Guide. Version 2.0 or later of the pico-sdk offers the best support for this project.


If you are following Chapter 3 of the Getting Started Guide, you installed VS Code and the Official Raspberry Pi Pico VS Code extension. The VS Code extension installed the pico-sdk in the ${HOME}/.pico-sdk/sdk/2.0.0 directory. If you followed the manual toolchain installation per Appendix C of the Getting Started Guide, then you installed the pico-sdk in ${HOME}/pico.

TinyUSB Library

You will also need to make sure that the the TinyUSB library is installed. If there is nothing in the directory ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb, or the directory does not exist, please run the following commands

cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/pico-sdk
git submodule update --init

TinyUSB for Pre-Version 2.0 pico-sdk

You will need a version of the TinyUSB library that supports USB Host Application drivers. This feature was introduced to TinyUSB on 15-Aug-2023 with commit 7537985c080e439f6f97a021ce49f5ef48979c78 which is release 0.16.0 or later. Version 2.0 of the pico-sdk is compatible with this. Older versions are not.

If you must use an older version of the of the pico-sdk, it ships configured to use TinyUSB 0.14 or earlier. You will need to update the TinyUSB library. Please make sure you have a current TinyUSB code library in your pico-sdk by using the following commands:

cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb
git fetch origin
git checkout 525406597627fb9307425539b86dddf10278eca8

Pico-PIO-USB Library

If you are using the Pico-PIO-USB Library to implement the USB Host hardware (see the HARDWARE section, below), you need to manually install the Pico-PIO-USB Library where TinyUSB can find it.

TinyUSB provides python script that TinyUSB to install it, but the script in the version of TinyUSB that ships with pico-sdk version 2.0 will install a version of the library that won't build with pico-sdk version 2.0. Use these commands instead.

cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb/hw/mcu
mkdir -p raspberry_pi/Pico-PIO-USB
cd raspberry_pi/Pico-PIO-USB
git init
git remote add origin
git fetch --depth 1 origin 7902e9fa8ed4a271d8d1d5e7e50516c2292b7bc2
git checkout FETCH_HEAD 

If you are using an older version of the pico-sdk, and you do not have python installed, please run the above but replace the git fetch line with

git fetch --depth 1 origin fe3b1e22436386f3b2be6c1c5f66658cbc32e1ba

If you do have python installed and you are using an older pico-sdk, it is easier to run the Python script, see Dependencies.

cd ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/lib/tinyusb
python3 tools/ rp2040

Hopefully, the pico-sdk will someday do all of this for you.

Building the usb_midi_host Library in Your Project

The CMakeLists.txt file contains two INTERFACE libraries. If this driver is your only application USB host driver external to the TinyUSB stack, you should install this driver by adding the usb_midi_host_app_driver library to your main application's CMakeLists.txt file's target_link_libraries. If you want to add multiple host drivers, you must implement your own usbh_app_driver_get_cb() function and you should add the usb_midi_host library to your main application's CMakeLists.txt file's target_link_libraries instead. Note that the functon usbh_app_driver_get_cb() returns a pointer to the first element of an array of usbh_class_driver_t objects. For example, if you need the usb_midi_host app host driver plus one more, add the second app driver to the array the function returns and set *driver_count=2.

See the files in examples/C-code/usb_midi_host_example or examples/C-code/usb_midi_host_pio_example for examples.

Building Arduino Applications

Include this library, the Adafruit TinyUSB Arduino Library, and, if your host port hardware requires it, the Pico_PIO_USB Library using the Arduino IDE Library Manager. If this library is not available in the Arduino IDE Library Manager yet, please copy this library code to a usb_midi_host directory under your sketech folder libraries directory.

To build any Arduino application on the RP2040, you should install the Earle Philhower arduino-pico core for the Arduino IDE.

You need to set up the board under the Tools Menu. If you are using the Pico-PIO-USB Library to implement your USB Host hardware:

Tools->CPU Speed->120 MHz (or 240 MHz (Overclock))
Tools->USB Stack->"Adafruit TinyUSB"
Tools->Debug Port->Serial
Tools->Optimize: You can choose any option except Small (-Os) (Standard). I generally use Optimize Even More (-O3)

If you are using the native RP2040 USB hardware to implement your USB Host hardware, please configure the core as follows:

Tools->CPU Speed->133 MHz (or faster, if you wish)
Tools->USB Stack->"Adafruit TinyUSB Host"
Tools->Debug Port->Serial1
Tools->Optimize: (Choose anything)

NOTE: The USB Stack option "Adafruit TinyUSB Host" is not available in the arduino-pico package 3.6.2 and earlier. You must install version 3.6.3 or later to make this option available.


The example programs have been tested on a Raspberry Pi Pico board, a Pico W board, and an Adafruit RP2040 Feather with USB A Host board. The Pico boards, like most RP2040-based boards, do not ship with a USB Host friendly connector, and the development environments generally assume you are using the USB connector in Device mode to provide power to the board, and to allow software update, to provide a serial port interface for a serial console monitor, etc. You will likely have to modify your board to add a USB Host interface connector. The RP2040-based boards offer two approaches.

Software-based USB Host Port: Pico-PIO-USB Library

The Pico-PIO-USB library, which works for both C/C++ and Arduino, uses the RP2040 PIO 0 and CPU core 1 to to efficiently bit-bang a full-speed USB host port on 2 GPIO pins. Adafruit makes a RP2040 board that uses this method for USB Host.

If you are not using the Adafruit or similar board, you need to wire up something yourself. Wire a USB A jack to the GPIO and power pins on the Pico board as follows:

Pico/Pico W board pin   USB A connector pin
23 (or any GND pin)  ->     GND
21 (GP16)            ->     D+  (via a 22 ohm resistor should improve things)
22 (GP17)            ->     D-  (via a 22 ohm resistor should improve things)
24 (GP18)            ->     TinyUSB drives this pin high to enable VBus on the Adafruit Feather board
40 (VBus)            ->     VBus (safer if it has current limiting on the pin)

I use a low-cost USB breakout board and solder the 22 ohm resistors to cut traces on the D+ and D- lines. I leave GP18 unconnected.

TODO Insert photos of my setup here.

The main advantages of this approach are:

  • Your board will have both a USB Device port and a USB Host port, which, in an Arduino environment especially, is convenient. For example, the Arduino Serial object will work with the Serial Monitor console, and firmware update via the Arduino IDE is supported.
  • If you need both a USB MIDI Host port and a USB MIDI Device port at the same time, you can do it. See the pico-usb-midi-filter, pico-usb-midi-processor, and midi2piousbhub projects for examples of this.
  • You can buy off-the-shelf hardware already wired to support a Host port using this method.

The disadvantages of this approach are:

  • The RP2040 clock must run at a multiple of 120MHz. This is a bit slower than the default of 133MHz.
  • It consumes 2 GPIO pins
  • It consumes the PIO 0 module
  • It consumes CPU 1
  • It takes a bit more code storage space and RAM space.
  • The Pico_PIO_USB library can conflict with the drivers for the Pico W WiFi/Bluetooth module. To prevent the conflicts, please initialze the TinyUSB library before the WiFi/Bluetooth module lbiraries.

RP2040 Native USB Hardware

The RP2040 USB core natively supports a host mode that is good enough for MIDI. The minimum modification to a Pico board is to connect a USB OTG adapter to the Micro USB B connector and add an external 5V power supply between the VBus pin (pin 40 on the Pico board) and any ground pin on the Pico board. As long as your 5V power supply is clean and protected against short circuit, it should be OK. It is how I test native hardware USB Host.

TODO Insert photo of my setup here.

The main advantages of this approach are

  • It does not consume 3 GPIO pins
  • It does not consume PIO 0
  • It does not restrict CPU operating speed
  • It does not consume CPU 1
  • It does not need the memory the Pico_PIO_USB library uses

The disadvantages of this approach are

  • Serial port console now has to use a UART; you have to provide external hardware to interface that UART to your computer terminal software (e.g., a Picoprobe). In Arduino, you have to use Serial1 or Serial2 UARTs for serial monitor to work.
  • Software update either requires you to unplug the OTG connector and connect the RP2040 in flash drive mode, or you have to use a Picoprobe or similar debug interface.
  • Depending on how you want to mount the development board, adapting the board's native USB connector to USB A may be harder than just soldering to a few GPIO pins.
  • There appears to be a bug in the RP2040 USB controller hardware that prevents connection with the Arturia Beatstep Pro. Other MIDI hardware may have the same problem.

NOTE: If you are using native USB hardware in USB Host mode for an Arduino project, please look at the note in the Building Arduino Applications section.


Connection Management

There are two connection management functions every application must implement:

  • tuh_midi_mount_cb()
  • tuh_midi_unmount_cb()

Each device connected to the USB Host, either directly, or through a hub, is identified by its device address, which is an 8-bit number. In addition, during enumeration, the host discovers how many virtual MIDI IN cables and how many virtual MIDI OUT cables the device has. When someone plugs a MIDI device to the USB Host, this driver will call the tuh_midi_mount_cb() function so the application can save the device address and virtual cable information.

When someone unplugs a MIDI device from the USB Host, this driver will call the tuh_midi_unmount_cb() function so the application can mark the previous device address as invalid.

MIDI Message Communication

There is one function that every application that supports MIDI IN must implement

  • tuh_midi_rx_cb()

When the USB Host receives MIDI IN packets from the MIDI device, this driver calls tuh_midi_rx_cb() to notify the application that MIDI data is available. The application should read that MIDI data as soon as possible.

There are two ways to handle USB MIDI messages:

  • As 4-byte raw USB MIDI 1.0 packets

    • tuh_midi_packet_read()
    • tuh_midi_packet_write()
  • As serial MIDI 1.0 byte streams

    • tuh_midi_stream_read()
    • tuh_midi_stream_write()

Both tuh_midi_packet_write() and tuh_midi_stream_write() only write MIDI data to a queue. Once you are done writing all MIDI messages that you want to send in a single USB Bulk transfer (usually 64 bytes but sometimes only 8 bytes), you must call tuh_midi_stream_flush().

The examples folder contains both C-Code and Arduino code examples of how to use the API.

Sending long sysex messages or lots of short ones

The tuh_midi_stream_flush() function causes data to be sent out over the USB host port. The RP2040 hardware has to send a complete endpoint buffer to the attached device before more data can be sent. Due to the TinyUSB HCD driver implementation and limitations of the RP2040 chip, the Pico's USB host port is relatively slow. It can take a couple of milliseconds for tuh_midi_stream_flush() to complete because the system only scans through the pending transfers once per millisecond. If you are sending a lot of data, keep in mind that Each MIDI packet is 4 bytes, so most devices can handle 16 packets can in one buffer. If you have a long sysex message, take the length of a sysex message in bytes, including the starting 0xF0 and 0xF7, multiply by 4, divide by 3, and round up. That will tell you how many packets you need to send the sysex message.

You can reduce latency by packing the Host's OUT endpoint buffer up to the device's OUT endpoint buffer size with data before flushing. Your best bet is to configure the usb_midi_host driver to use larger buffers and call tuh_midi_stream_flush() only once in your main loop. Yes, you will have latency, but it is fine to break up sysex messages across multiple USB packets. The application does not have to flush for every write.

MIDI Device Strings API

A USB MIDI device can attach a string descriptor to any or all virtual MIDI cables. This driver can retrieve the indices to the strings using these functions:


You can then use the TinyUSB API for retrieving a device string by string index to get the UTF-16LE string.

NOTE: For non-Arduino builds, to save space and to speed up enumeration, by default, CFG_MIDI_HOST_DEVSTRINGS is set to 0, so the MIDI Device String API is disabled by default. If you want to use the MIDI Device String API, please add, either before you include this library, or to your C/C++ application project tusb_config.h


For Arduino builds, because the Arduino IDE does not allow letting library files include files from the sketch directory, the default is to enable the MIDI Device String API. Disabling it requires adding


in the library file usb_midi_host.h.

Arduino MIDI Library API

This library API is designed to be relatively low level and is well suited for applications that require the application to touch all MIDI messages (for example, bridging and filtering). If you want your application to use the Arduino MIDI library API to access the devices attached to your USB MIDI host, install the EZ_USB_MIDI_HOST wrapper library in addition to this library. See that repository for more information.



Each example program does the same thing:

  • play a 5 note sequence on MIDI cable 0
  • print out every MIDI message it receives on cable 0.

The only difference among them is whether they are C/C++ examples or Arduino examples, and whether they use native rp2040 hardware (in directory with name usb_midi_host_example) or the Pico_PIO_USB software USB Host (in directory with name usb_midi_host_pio_example).

Building C-Code Examples

First, set up your environment for command line pico-sdk program builds. If you are new to this, please see the Getting Started Guide and build the blink example before you try this.

Next, install the libraries as described in the Building C/C++ Applications section.

Command Line Build

To build via command line (see Appendix C of the Getting Started Guide);

cd examples/C-code/[example program directory name]
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Note: if you are building the usb_midi_host_pio_example for the Adafruit RP2040 Feather with USB Type A Host board, you should replace cmake .. with

-DPICO_BOARD=adafruit_feather_rp2040_usb_host ..

If you don't do this, then the board will work right after you program it, and will not work on reset or reboot. If you are using any other board other than a Pico board, change adafruit_feather_rp2040_usb_host to the name of the file for your board (without the .h extension) found in ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/src/boards/include/boards.

VS Code Build

To build using VS Code, for Version 2.0 of the pico-sdk, import the project to VS Code.

  1. Click the Raspberry Pi Pico Project icon in the left toolbar.
  2. Click Import Project
  3. Chenge the Location to point to the examples/C-code/[example program directory name] directory
  4. Make sure Pico-SDK version is 2.0.0.
  5. Choose the Debugger and any advanced options
  6. Click Import. If you are not using a Pico board and your Raspberry Pi Pico Extenstion for VS Code is 0.15.2 or later, do this:
    1. Click the Click the Raspberry Pi Pico Project icon in the left toolbar.
    2. Under Project click Switch Board.
    3. Find your board in the board list and click on the name.
  7. Click the CMake icon in the left toolbar. If you are not using a Pico board and your Raspberry Pi Pico Extenstion for VS Code is 0.15.1 or earlier, do this:
    1. On the PROJECT STATUS line of the CMAKE window, click the Open CMake Tool Extenstions Settings gear icon. You have to mouse over the PROJECT STATUS line for the icon to appear.
    2. In the new Settings tab that opened in the editor pane, click the Workspace tab.
    3. Scroll down to the CMake:Configure Args item and click the Add Item button.
    4. Enter -DPICO_BOARD=[your board name goes here] and click OK. The board name is the file name without extension from ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/src/boards/include/boards. For example, if you are using a adafruit_feather_rp2040_usb_host board, you would enter -DPICO_BOARD=adafruit_feather_rp2040_usb_host
  8. On the PROJECT STATUS line of the CMAKE window, select the Delete Cache and Reconfigure icon. You have to mouse over the PROJECT STATUS line for the icon to appear.
  9. Under the Configure option, select the Pico Kit.
  10. Choose whether you want Debug, Release or RelWithDebugInfo. The MinSizeRel option can cause issues, so do not choose it.
  11. Click Build

If you are using an older version of the pico-sdk, then the project is already set up for VS Code. Just use the VS Code File menu to open the project. Select the toolchain when prompted, and use the CMake icon on the left toolbar to build the code (see steps 7-11, above).

Testing C-Code Examples

To test, first prepare your development board as described in the Hardware section of this document. Next, copy the UF2 file to the Pico board using whatever method you prefer. Make sure the board powers up and displays the message

Pico MIDI Host Example

before you attach your USB MIDI device.

Attach your USB MIDI device to the USB A connector your hardware provides. You should see a message similar to

MIDI device address = 1, IN endpoint 2 has 1 cables, OUT endpoint 1 has 1 cables

If your MIDI device can generate sound, you should start hearing a pattern of notes from B-flat to D. If your device is Mackie Control compatible, then the transport LEDs should sequence. If you use a control on your MIDI device, you should see the message traffic displayed on the serial console.

NOTE: Unfortunately, the pico-sdk does not currently allow you to use the USB device port for console I/O and the PIO USB host port at the same time. You can install a library that lets you do this for you own projects. In these examples, all printf() output goes to the UART 0 serial port. If you want an example that uses this library and uses the native USB port for both MIDI device and console output, see the midi2piousbhub project.

Building and Testing Arduino Examples

To build and run the Arduino examples, in the Arduino IDE, use the Library Manager to install this library and accept all of its dependencies. If your hardware requires it, install the Pico PIO USB library too. Next, in the IDE, select File->Examples->usb_midi_host->arduino->[your example program name]

Use the Arduino IDE to build and run the code. Make sure to start a serial monitor or else the code will appear to lock up.

Attach a MIDI device to the USB A port. You should see something like this in the Serial Port Monitor (of course, your connected MIDI device will likely be different).

MIDI device address = 1, IN endpoint 1 has 1 cables, OUT endpoint 2 has 1 cables
Device attached, address = 1
  iManufacturer       1     KORG INC.
  iProduct            2     nanoKONTROL2
  iSerialNumber       0

If your MIDI device can generate sound, you should start hearing a pattern of notes from B-flat to D. If your device is Mackie Control compatible, then the transport LEDs should sequence. If you use a control on your MIDI device, you should see the message traffic displayed on the Serial Port Monitor.


In addition to this section, you might find this guide helpful.

Config (Configuration) File

In C/C++, the config file for your project is called tusb_config.h. It should be in the include path of your project.

In Arduino code,the config file is stored in the libraries directory of your sketch directory as the file Adafruit_TinyUSB/src/arduino/ports/${target}/tusb_config_${target}.h, where ${target} is the processor name of the processor on the target hardware. For example, for a Rapsberry Pi Pico board, the file is libraries/Adafruit_TinyUSB/src/arduino/ports/rp2040/tusb_config_rp2040.h. Sadly, any changes you make to the config file will disappear if you update Adafruit_TinyUSB_Library.

To make configuring parameters specific to the USB MIDI Host a bit simpler for Arduino IDE users, see the function tuh_midih_define_limits().

Size of the Enumeration Buffer

When the USB Host driver tries to enumerate a device, it reads the USB descriptors into a byte buffer. By default, that buffer is 256 bytes long. Complete MIDI devices, or device that also have audio interfaces, tend to have much longer USB descriptors. If a device fails to enumerate, locate the line in your config file that contains #define CFG_TUH_ENUMERATION_BUFSIZE and change the default 256 to something larger (for example, 512).

Debug Log

If a device fails to enumerate, a debug log printout may be helpful. Debug log levels go from 0 (no debug logging) to 3 (very verbose). The default log level is 0. The most direct way to set the debug level is to define CFG_TUSB_DEBUG in your config file. For example, to set the log level to 2, make sure your config file contains the lines

#define CFG_TUSB_DEBUG 2

The conditional is in case you choose to change the debug level by setting an environment variable.

Bug #384 in RP2040/Raspberry Pi Pico and Adafruit_TinyUSB_Library 3.0

For Arduino, the Adafruit TinyUSB Host option seems to require you to define the function log_printf if you use a debug log level other than 0. Adding the following function to your program sketch should suffice as long as none of the debug log output lines is longer than 256 bytes.

// Debugging
int log_printf(const char * format, ...)
  char outstr[256];
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, format);
  int ret = vsprintf(outstr, format, va);
  // Uncomment the next line to send the debug log to the Serial1 output
  return Serial1.print(outstr);

Maximum Number of MIDI Devices Attached to the Host

You should define the value CFG_TUH_DEVICE_MAX in the tuh_config.h file to match the number of USB hub ports attached to the USB host port. For example

// max device support (excluding hub device)
#define CFG_TUH_DEVICE_MAX          (CFG_TUH_HUB ? 4 : 1) // hub typically has 4 ports

The Arduino IDE makes configuring this is difficult because tuh_config.h is part of the processor core (for RP2040, anyway)

Maximum Number of USB Endpoints

Although the USB MIDI 1.0 Class specification allows an arbitrary number of endpoints, this driver supports at most one USB BULK DATA IN endpoint and one USB BULK DATA OUT endpoint. Each endpoint can support up to 16 virtual cables. If a device has multiple IN endpoints or multiple OUT endpoints, it will fail to enumerate.

Most USB MIDI devices contain both an IN endpoint and an OUT endpoint, but not all do. For example, some USB pedals only support an IN endpoint. This driver allows that.

Maximum Number of Virtual Cables

A USB MIDI 1.0 Class message can support up to 16 virtual cables. The function tuh_midi_stream_write() uses 6 bytes of data stored in an array in an internal data structure to deserialize a MIDI byte stream to a particular virtual cable. To properly handle all 16 possible virtual cables, CFG_TUH_DEVICE_MAX*16*6 data bytes are required. If the application needs to save memory, in file tusb_cfg.h set CFG_TUH_CABLE_MAX to something less than 16 as long as it is at least 1.

For Arduino builds, you can configure this parameter at runtime by calling tuh_midih_define_limits().

Subclass of Audio Control

A MIDI device is supposed to have an Audio Control Interface and it may have an Audio Streaming Interface before the the MIDI Streaming Interface, that this driver supports. Many commercial devices do not have even the Audio Control Interface. To support these devices, the descriptor parser in this driver will skip past Audio Control Interface and Audio Streaming Interface descriptors and open only the MIDI Interface.

An audio streaming host driver can use this driver by passing a pointer to the MIDI interface descriptor that is found after the audio streaming interface to the midih_open() function. That is, an audio streaming host driver would parse the audio control interface descriptor and then the audio streaming interface and endpoint descriptors. When the next descriptor pointer points to a MIDI interface descriptor, call midih_open() with that descriptor pointer.

Class Specific Interface and Requests

The host driver only makes use of the informaton in the class specific interface descriptors to extract string descriptors from each IN JACK and OUT JACK. To use these, you must set CFG_MIDI_HOST_DEVSTRINGS to 1 in your application's tusb_config.h file. It does not parse ELEMENT items for string descriptors.

This driver does not support class specific requests to control ELEMENT items, nor does it support non-MIDI Streaming bulk endpoints.

MIDI Class Specific Descriptor Total Length Field Ignored

I have observed at least one keyboard by a leading manufacturer that sets the wTotalLength field of the Class-Specific MS Interface Header Descriptor to include the length of the MIDIStreaming Endpoint Descriptors. This is wrong per my reading of the specification.

Message Buffer Details

Messages buffers composed from USB data received on the IN endpoint will never contain running status because USB MIDI 1.0 class does not support that. Messages buffers to be sent to the device on the OUT endpont can contain running status (the message might come from a UART data stream from a 5-pin DIN MIDI IN cable on the host, for example), and thanks to pull request#3 from @moseltronics, this driver should correctly parse or compose 4-byte USB MIDI Class packets from streams encoded with running status.

Message buffers to be sent to the device may contain real time messages such as MIDI clock. Real time messages may be inserted in the message byte stream between status and data bytes of another message without disrupting the running status. However, because MIDI 1.0 class messages are sent as four byte packets, a real-time message so inserted will be re-ordered to be sent to the device in a new 4-byte packet immediately before the interrupted data stream.

Real time messages the device sends to the host can only appear between the status byte and data bytes of the message in System Exclusive messages that are longer than 3 bytes.

Poorly Formed USB MIDI Data Packets from the Device

Some devices do not properly encode the code index number (CIN) for the MIDI message status byte even though the 3-byte data payload correctly encodes the MIDI message. This driver looks to the byte after the CIN byte to decide how many bytes to place in the message buffer.

Some devices do not properly encode the virtual cable number. If the virtual cable number in the CIN data byte of the packet is not less than bNumEmbMIDIJack for that endpoint, then the host driver assumes virtual cable 0 and does not report an error.

Some MIDI devices will always send back exactly wMaxPacketSize bytes on every endpoint even if only one 4-byte packet is required (e.g., NOTE ON). These devices send packets with 4 packet bytes 0. This driver ignores all zero packets without reporting an error.

Enumeration Failures

The host may fail to enumerate a device if it has too many endpoints, if it has if it has a Standard MS Transfer Bulk Data Endpoint Descriptor (not supported), if it has a poorly formed descriptor, or if the configuration descriptor is too long for the host to read the whole thing. The most common failure, though, is the descriptor is too long. See Size of the Enumeration Buffer for how to address that.

About USB MIDI 1.0

The original MIDI specification was designed to carry a MIDI data stream over a UART-based serial port at 31.25 kbps. USB MIDI 1.0 is a transport for carrying the same MIDI messages between a USB Host and a USB Device. Unlike the byte-serial transport of a UART serial port, USB sends data in packets, which are groups of bytes. Understanding how this driver encodes a MIDI data stream into USB packets will help you properly size data buffers and should help you to understand the sizes returned from the driver's MIDI stream read and write functions.

You can download the USB Device Class Specification for MIDI Devices 1.0 for free for all of the details. If you are a user of this driver, it will probably help you to review the specification, especially section 4. Key concepts:

  • MIDI data flows between a USB MIDI Host and a USB MIDI Device using Bulk endpoints. The path from Host to Device uses Bulk Out endpoints, and the path from Device to Host uses Bulk In endponts.
  • On a RP2040 or RP2350, USB MIDI is Full-speed (12Mbps).
  • Full Speed Bulk endpoints are have a maximum payload of 64 bytes but can be as small as 8 bytes. Some USB MIDI devices are designed for MIDI 2.0 high speed and can support bulk transfers up to 512 bytes per packet, but if you connect such a device to this USB 2.0 Full Speed host, then data transfers will still be limited to 64 bytes.
  • The serial MIDI byte data stream is encoded into 4-byte packets that move on a Bulk endpoint data transfer.
    • The first byte in the packet is divided into two 4-bit values.
      • The most significant 4 bits encode a virtual cable number (CN) 0-15. When you plug a USB MIDI device to a computer and it shows multiple "MIDI Ports" for a single device, each "MIDI Port" is a virtual cable.
      • The least significant 4 bits contain a Code Index Number (CIN) 0-15. The CIN encodes how many of the remaining 3 bytes of the MIDI packet contain a whole MIDI message or just a part of a system exclusive message. For channel messages, the CIN is the same number as the most significant 4 bits of the status byte.
    • The remaining 3 bytes in a packet can contain a 1-byte, 2-byte or 3-byte MIDI message, or they can contain data bytes of an ongoing system exclusive message.
  • Since devices support between 8 and 64 bytes per bulk endpoint transfer, USB MIDI devices can handle between 2 and 16 MIDI messages (or sections of a system exclusive message) in one Bulk transfer packet.

The host learns the maximum number of bytes per Bulk endpoint transfer, the number of virtual cables, the product name string, the string labels for each virtual cable, etc. by reading the USB MIDI device's Device Descriptor, Configuration Descriptor, and String descriptors during enumeration. The host enumerates each device after the device is attached directly or via a hub. Descriptors are just data structures that describe device capabilities in a standard way. For more details, see the USB MIDI Device spec cited above and chapter 9 of The USB Specification version 2.0.


An application level TinyUSB USB MIDI Host driver for the RP2040








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