This connector will help you to query the ignite( in memeory database from presto. which in turn help you to join ignite data with other database(like cassandra,hive,etc).
Steps to build the jar
Build the jar using below command
mvn clean install
Jar ignite-presto-connector-331-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar will get generated in target folder.
create a folder /plugin/ignite
4.copy all the jar from /plugin/mysql to /plugin/ignite
Delete the presto-mysql-331-services.jar from /plugin/ignite
Copy the newly build jar ignite-presto-connector-331-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar to /plugin/ignite
7.create a presto catalog file /etc/catalog/ and add the below content.change the ip and password accordingly
- restart the presto server.(make sure above change should be on all the node)
Note:- This connector build aginst prestosql version 331 and ignite jdbc driver 2.7.0 It supports below functaionality
3.alter(add and drop column)