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🪞 Beat Saber mod: See your own avatar in multiplayer lobbies and games. Lobby mirror, in-game #1 hologram mirror, avatar editor mirror.

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Beat Saber Multiplayer Mirror (PC)

Beat Saber mod that adds mirror options for your multiplayer avatar.

Multiplayer Mirror


Multiplayer Mirror lets you see your own multiplayer avatar:

  • As the 1st place hologram during matches
  • In the lobby
  • In the avatar editor

👀 These effects are only visible to you. It works in all multiplayer lobbies!

👉 You can toggle these options in the mod's gameplay modifiers panel (on the left in the lobby, under ModsMultiplayer Mirror).


Setting Description
Enable Lobby Mirror If enabled, you'll see an avatar mirror of yourself in the multiplayer lobby.
Enable Self Hologram If enabled, you'll see a hologram of yourself in multiplayer games whenever you're in 1st place, just like other players would see.
Always show Self Hologram If enabled, you'll always see your own hologram in game, no matter what place you're in.
Show Duel Self Hologram If enabled, the Self Hologram will be shown in the Duel (1v1) layout as well.
Invert mirror If enabled, your lobby and game mirrors will be inverted, like you are normally on the results screen.


This mod is currently only available for PCVR.

💡 The latest version is available for easy installation via ModAssistant!

You can also manually ✅ Download the latest release if you prefer.


✅ Works with Beat Saber 1.38

Usage notes


If you turn off Holograms in MultiplayerExtensions, that setting will be ignored if you enable a self hologram in this mod.

See also


🪞 Beat Saber mod: See your own avatar in multiplayer lobbies and games. Lobby mirror, in-game #1 hologram mirror, avatar editor mirror.





