Releases: rospogrigio/airbnk_mqtt
Further fixes for HA 2025.01
This release should now fix the problems with 2025.01. Thank you again @Corinake for the contribution!
Fixes for HA 2025.01
This release introduces support for HA 2025.01.
Thank you to @dkwireless for the precious contribution!
Fix for double lock events and more
- Removed status checking and fixed double lock events (thanks @formatBCE !)
- Introduced sensor for lockEvents
- Fixed reload service (thanks @TheDescender !)
Introducing "reload" service
Introducing reload service, that allows to reload the integration without needing to reboot HA.
Introduced diagnostics and handling of wrong status
Introducing the possibility, available since HA 2022.02, to download the diagnostics.
It is possible to download:
- integration diagnostics, which contains token and config entry
- device diagnostics, which contains the device info and the logs of the last 5 minutes (even if they were not enabled)
Also, if a wrong lockStatus msg is received (i.e., different from AAxxxxxx0204xxxx....), the integration entered an unrecoverable state: this release should fix this issue.
New low_batter binary sensor and filtering for double actions
Introduced 2 main improvements:
- creation of a binary_sensor for low_battery status
- filtering to prevent to launch another action when an operation is already in progress
Improvements in custom firmware handling
- Introduced parsing of lockStatus field (i.e. FFF3 characteristic)
- Introduced auto retries in
- Telemetry messages are now taken into account for availability
- Fixed non-lock devices filtering
Introduced support for ESP32 custom firmware
Introduced support for ESP32 custom firmware by @formatBCE. On configuration it is possible to select which firmware is installed between Tasmota and the Custom firmware.
v1.1.0: introduced auto-retry and fixed battery status
- Introduced auto-retry (number of retries is configurable in the Integration options)
- Fixed battery percentage, by properly converting battery voltage
Fixed wrong FAILED status
Introduced MAC address filtering and improved status check in order to filter out wrong FAILED status.