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The project was created by Ron Wu. For a POC purpose to showcase that any text can be parsed into a sematic graph and thus can be consumed in a knowledge graph. Once the knowledge graph is built one can used for searching, analyzing or building chatbot.



The project consists of two parts:


The frontend uses React + D3 for plotting the knowledge graph.

Runs the frontend in the development mode.
cd to frontend folder,

  • Run npm install
  • Adding the proxy by modifying line 17 of Home.js file from ROOT = '' to ROOT = localhost:8080
  • Then run npm start or yarn start

This will start the frontend. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


The backend is purely JAVA: Springboot + StanfordNLP, so that it is production ready.

To run the backend.

cd to backend folder,

  • Run ./mvnw spring-boot:run

This will start the backend. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

Create a production build

  • remove proxy by modifying line 17 of Home.js file under the frontend/src to ROOT = ''
  • Then cd to frontend folder, run npm run build . This will create a production build for the frontend
  • Copy everything in the build folder to backend/src/main/resources/static/. This allows Springboot to host the static web content.
  • Then cd to backend folder, run ./mvnw package -DskipTests to create a single JAR build (about 300MB)
  • Then deploy to the any Cloud. Notice it requires 2GB heap space to run.