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Fallout 4 VR Body - FRIK

Developing mod to add full body support with IK for Fallout 4 VR!

Now released on Nexus!!!

Dev Setup


  • Install Visual Studio 2022 community edition
  • Let's define \root\ to be the root folder we will use (example: \root\ for me is C:\Dev\Modding\)

Setup f4sevr:

  1. Download Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
  2. Extract content of f4sevr_0_6_21 folder into \root\f4sevr
  3. Override changed files
    1. Git clone Fallout-4-VR-Body
      • Should be \root\Fallout-4-VR-Body\ for later
    2. Extract files in \root\Fallout-4-VR-Body\f4se_updates_add_to_your_f4se_library\ to f4sevr\src\f4sevr\f4se (overwrite)

Build FRIK:

  1. Git clone Fallout-4-VR-Body (if not already from building "f4sevr")
    • Should be \root\Fallout-4-VR-Body\
  2. Open Fallout-4-VR-Body in Visual Studio
    1. Double click \root\Fallout-4-VR-Body\Fallout4VR_Body.sln
  3. Change target dropdown from "Debug" to "Release"
  4. Setup post build copy environment variable
    1. setx FRIK_MOD_PATH "C:\[myModsLocation]\FRIK\F4SE\Plugins"
    2. Restart VS2022 to load the envar
  5. Build > Build Solution
  6. Find \root\Fallout-4-VR-Body\x64\Release\FRIK.dll

Optional, build f4sevr:

  1. Do all the steps in setup f4sevr
  2. Open f4sevr solution in Visual Studio
    1. Double click C:\Stuff\github\f4sevr\src\f4sevr\f4sevr.sln
    2. Ignore all source control warnings
    3. Confirm retarget project to latest
      • Solution was configured for VS 2012 (v110), we can retarget it to latest 2022 (v143)
  3. Fix compilation error due to more strict C++
    1. Open PapyrusObjectReference.cpp
    2. Go to line 558
    3. Add const to the end of the function declaration (just before the { bracket)
      • bool operator()(const std::pair<BGSMaterialSwap::MaterialSwap*,float> lhs, const std::pair<BGSMaterialSwap::MaterialSwap*,float> rhs) const {
  4. Change target dropdown from "Debug" to "Release"
  5. Change f4se project output configuration to Static Library
    1. Right click on f4se project; click Properties
    2. Configuration Properties > General;
    3. Change "Configuration Type" from "Dynamic Library (.dll)" to "Static Library (.lib)"
    4. close
  6. Build > Build Solution
    • Ignore 3 post build errors to copy output files
  7. Find the 3 .lib files
    1. \root\f4sevr\src\f4sevr\x64\Release\f4se_common.lib
    2. \root\f4sevr\src\f4sevr\x64\Release\f4sevr_1_2_72.lib
    3. \root\f4sevr\src\f4sevr\x64_vc11\Release\common_vc11.lib


  • Logs are found in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4VR\F4SE

    • Fallout4VRBody.log for FRIK logs
    • crash-<date time>.log for crash logs
  • Weapons Offset Overrides are in <mod_list_folder>\overwrite\F4SE\Plugins\FRIK_weapon_offsets
    Where <mod_list_folder> can be VR Essentials Overhaul for example.

  • Don't keep more than one .dll file in the ...\F4SE\Plugins folder. For example, if you're backing up FRIK.dll, avoid renaming it to FRIK_org.dll in the same folder. This is because F4SEVR loads all .dll files in the directory, which results in the plugin being loaded twice. It appears to load plugins in alphabetical order, so FRIK_org.dll will be loaded after FRIK.dll, potentially causing issues and making it unclear why your code isn't running.


  • prog - I wouldn't get anywhere with this if not for the fine example of Skyrim VRIK. Thanks for all of the advice and code samples
  • alandtse
  • Shizof - Thanks for letting me adapt Smooth Movement directly into the mod
  • Gingas
  • CylonSurfer
  • Atom
  • lfrazer
  • expired and F4SE/SKSE Team
  • ryan for CommonLibF4 to reference


Developing mod to add full body support with IK for Fallout 4 VR!







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