This is an end-to-end example of Roleypoly's OpenFaaS gRPC system.
This is system is a proof of concept. Not used at scale or in production.
The design goals here are
- One FaaS deployment per gRPC method
- Scale-to-Zero (comes with OpenFaaS)
- Touch as little Kubernetes as possible.
Two projects help this succeed:
- openfaas-grpc-controller
- Kubernetes observer for pods that OpenFaaS deploys, and creates ingress routes for them.
- golang-grpc
- OpenFaaS template for wiring up gRPC methods.
- kubectl
- a kubernetes cluster (for local, try k3d.)
- k3sup
- faas-cli
- golang
- nodejs (for webapp example)
# Install OpenFaaS
k3sup app install openfaas --set=faasIdler.dryRun=false
# Install Ingress Controller
k3sup app install nginx-ingress # --host-mode optional
# Install ingress-operator and grpc-controller
kubectl apply -f ./k8s/bootstrap
# Need OpenFaaS gateway to deploy
kubectl port-forward -n openfaas svc/gateway 8080:8080 &
# Need ingress controller to use the magic!!
kubectl port-forward svc/nginx-ingress-controller 8081:80 & # testers assume localhost:8081
faas login --password $(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
cd functions
faas deploy stack.yml
(fyi, you'll need to change image paths in ./functions/stack.yml
to deploy changes)
CLI (not currently working. HTTPS is required.)
go run ./tester SayHello Taylor
go run ./tester SayHelloAgain Taylor
Web App (yeah this shit works in your browser too)
cd tester-webapp
npm start
is generated by tooling inside Roleypoly RPC repo. If you wish to change the definitions, copy that folder into that repo, then run go generate
or yarn generate
, and copy it back. My personal recommendation is your RPC defs living in another repo like this, which enables offline-ish builds.