Welcome to the community documentation for Roleypoly!
We welcome open contribution, please feel free to edit this and open a PR if you see something you'd like to improve on.
Roleypoly is a bot that, while in a discord server one is into, allow one to pick roles for oneself on a dedicated user interface.
Firstly, you need to access the user interface. To do so, you have to click on the link related to the server in which you want to pick roles from. You can summon the link by mentioning Roleypoly in a chat (@Roleypoly), or by asking for the link to the server’s administrator(s).
Secondly, click [Sign in with Discord], connect to Discord if asked, then [Authorize]. It is necessary to link your account with the server’s Roleypoly page.
Thirdly, congratulations! You’re on the server’s Roleypoly page. Now focus on the central area. Check if a Server Message (first thing, at the top) has been set by the server’s administrator: there could be useful informations about the roles you can pick. Then, under it, in the Roles part, you can pick any role by simply clicking on it. Once you’re done, click [Save Changes], close the page and enjoy your new distinctions c:
Firstly, get on the Roleypoly page and click on [Add Roleypoly] button up above. Connect to Discord if asked, then select the server you want Roleypoly to join. Click [Continue], then [Authorize], then clear the Captcha.
Secondly, make sure roleypoly has arrived on your server. If not you can ask for help on the Roleypoly discord server. Then, go to your Server Settings, Roles, and find ‘roleypoly’ in the roles list. Now remember that roleypoly will only let you manage the roles that are under it's own role, therefore drag the bot's role or any role up / down accordingly in your discord server’s roles list.
Thirdly, head to the Roleypoly server page by pinging the bot (@Roleypoly) and following the link it gives you, then it's time to select which roles you want your members to be able to pick!
On the central area is a text zone, Server Message, where you can set up a message for your members when they’ll pick their roles.
Under it, this is the roles area. Add a new category, configure it and hit [Save Changes].
Do not set it as hidden if you want your members to see it.
Once you have a category up and running, click on the little pencil next to Roles (Edit Categories). On the right area appear all the roles Roleypoly can manage. Drag those you want to be pickable in the category/ies then hit [Save Changes] once more.
And… all done!