Program to parse data collected from GetAllTransactions. The Data was collected through curl command
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"args": {"uid": 1110590645, "token": "XX", "api-token": "AppTokenForInterview", "json-strict-mode": false, "json-verbose-response": false}}'
Program is written in Java8. Code can be downloaded using GIT command. To Run
mvn clean package
java -jar <jar-name> <feature-name>
Program is using static data downloaded using the above curl command saved the data into data.json file under $ Program reads the data into a stream and then group the data using transaction_time. Latter, the data is splitted for spent and income and corresponding average transaction is calculated from the spent and income data-sets. Here, the average is assumed to be monthly avergae data for income and spent calculated separately.
An output json file does gets created after running the example. The output file can be found in resources folder. The name of file is created with current Milliseconds.