In the given I have to create a online web-platform where the company or the “sponsor” can create their campaign and advertisement request for the online social media promoters “influncer”. In this the influencer and the sponsor can send each other request for the current and on going advertismensts.
- Front-End development :- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Back-end Development :- Flask-Python
- Database :- SQLAlchemy-SQLite
The all controllers are present in the file of the project. The whole routing and controlling is done from this program file. The file consists the database schema and relation code for the SQLite database. The file consists of the congfigation of the flask-app. The templates are present inside the template folder in the main root folder. The static folder is also present in the main root folder. The static consists of three sub-folder one is upload, which consists the profile photos uploaded by the both “sponsor” and “influencer”, the local folder consists of the images used in the project and not uplaoded by anyone, and the last graph folder consists of the graph that is generated to show the stats of the both users “influencer” and “sponsor”.