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Cleaned up @compat code and added a docstring with an example.
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rofinn committed Jul 15, 2019
1 parent 020b620 commit 5fdf9cf
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 25 deletions.
95 changes: 70 additions & 25 deletions src/compat.jl
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@@ -1,3 +1,43 @@
FilePaths.@compat fn
Generates a compatibility method for handling paths as strings based on the function
definition passed in.
Wrapper method properties:
- Any arguments that accepted `P <: AbstractPath` will accept `Union{String, P}`
- All string path inputs will be converted to path types
- If a path return type was specified then the path result will be converted back to a string.
# Examples
julia> using FilePaths
julia> FilePaths.@compat function myrelative(x::AbstractPath, y::AbstractPath)
return relative(x, y)
myrelative (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> FilePaths.@compat function myjoin(x::P, y::String)::P where P <: AbstractPath
return x / y
myjoin (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> myrelative(cwd(), home())
julia> myrelative(pwd(), homedir())
julia> myjoin(parent(cwd()), "FilePaths.jl")
julia> myjoin("/Users/rory/repos", "FilePaths.jl")
macro compat(ex)
mod = @__MODULE__
new_ex = compat_exp(mod, deepcopy(ex))
Expand All @@ -16,40 +56,44 @@ function compat_exp(mod::Module, ex::Expr)
body = Expr[]
params = Symbol[]

# A function that identifies args that need to be converted
function parse_arg(a)
if a.args[2] in params
push!(convert_vars, a.args[1])
elseif _ispath(mod, a.args[2])
# Modify the arg type declaration from P<:AbstractPath to Union{String, P}
# NOTE: If the variable is parameterized then we should have already updated the
# parameterized type in the where clause
a.args[2] = :(Union{AbstractString, $(a.args[2])})
push!(convert_vars, a.args[1])

# Identify any where params that are a subtype of AbstractPath
if haskey(fdef, :whereparams)
# Identify any where params that are a subtype of AbstractPath
for (i, p) in enumerate(fdef[:whereparams])
# If the param is a subtype of AbstracPath
# then we store the lookup symbol in the params array
if _ispath(mod, p.args[2])
# Modify parameterized where clause from P<:AbstractPath to Union{String, P}
p.args[2] = :(Union{AbstractString, $(p.args[2])})
push!(params, p.args[1])

# Identify args that need to be converted
if haskey(fdef, :args)
# Identify any args and kwargs that need to modified
for (i, a) in enumerate(fdef[:args])
# An arg can be an expression or a symbol (no type information)
if isa(a, Expr)
if (a.head) === :kw
# Optional arguments show up as `kw` and need to be parsed as such
T = a.args[1]
if T.args[2] in params
push!(convert_vars, T.args[1])
elseif _ispath(mod, T.args[2])
T.args[2] = :(Union{AbstractString, $(T.args[2])})
push!(convert_vars, T.args[1])

push!(args, T.args[1])
if a.args[2] in params
push!(convert_vars, a.args[1])
elseif _ispath(mod, a.args[2])
a.args[2] = :(Union{AbstractString, $(a.args[2])})
push!(convert_vars, a.args[1])

push!(args, a.args[1])
elseif isa(a, Symbol)
Expand All @@ -60,37 +104,38 @@ function compat_exp(mod::Module, ex::Expr)

# Identify kwargs that need to be converted
if haskey(fdef, :kwargs)
for (i, k) in enumerate(fdef[:kwargs])
T = k.args[1]
if T.args[2] in params
push!(convert_vars, T.args[1])
elseif _ispath(mod, T.args[2])
T.args[2] = :(Union{AbstractString, $(T.args[2])})
push!(convert_vars, T.args[1])
# Rewrite the kwarg expression to pass them along
push!(kwargs, :($(T.args[1])=$(T.args[1])))

# Insert our convert statements for the appropriate variables
for v in convert_vars
# push!(body, :(println($v)))
push!(body, :($v = Path($v)))
# push!(body, :(println($v)))

# Push our paths method call into the body
push!(body, :(result = $(fdef[:name])($(args...); $(kwargs...))))

# If we have a return type and it's a path then convert the result back to a string
if haskey(fdef, :rtype) && (fdef[:rtype] in params || _ispath(mod, fdef[:rtype]))
push!(body, :(result = string(result)))
# push!(body, :(println(typeof(result))))
# Set the return type to String to avoid an incorrect conversion back to a path
fdef[:rtype] = :String

# Finally, insert a return statement
push!(body, :(return result))

# Update our definition with the new body
fdef[:body].args = body

# Combine the modified definition back into an expression
return MacroTools.combinedef(fdef)

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