honk honk This is DraftBot. He can help you draft the team of your dream in Heroes of the Storm! Take a minute to read the command doc below to get started.
To start a draft, the !draft command will begin a fresh draft for you. Use either the !draft tournament [@Opponent] command if you want to start with flipping a coin for the first pick and drafting a map, or !draft quick [map] [@Opponent] if you want to pick a map directly and move on to the hero draft. Only you and your tagged opponent can influence the draft, so you are safe from griefers and run-downers ;). Nobody can stop you from tagging yourself though...
The !ban command is your one stop shop for banning maps and heroes. It takes one argument - the map or hero name - and adds that to the draft.DraftBot can handle some spelling error and shorthands, but try not to be too obscure with your inputs
The !pick command works just like !ban for map and hero picks.For the double pick phases, the !pick command also takes two arguments.
Use the !draft help command to display this information.
Order adheres to HotS tournament draft standard with A as coin toss winner:
- Map Bans: B A B A
- Map Pick: B
- Hero Bans: A B A B
- Hero Picks: A BB AA
- Hero Bans: B A
- Hero Picks: BB AA B