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add Prettier Plugin for Astro

npm i --save-dev prettier prettier-plugin-astro

add file .prettierignore with similar content as .gitignore

add file .editorconfig with content

# EditorConfig

# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true


charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 2

max_line_length = 120

add this scripts to package.json:

    "prettier:help": "npx prettier --help",
    "prettier:check": "npx prettier --check .",
    "prettier:listdifferent": "npx prettier --list-different .",
    "prettier:write": "npx prettier --write .",

add file prettier.config.cjs with content

/** @type {import("prettier").Config} */
const config = {
  plugins: ["prettier-plugin-astro"],

module.exports = config;

with this the use of

npm run prettier:check

show you a warn list of file with not correct format

based on .editorconfig settings

npm run prettier:write

write the corrected file

add husky

install husky

npm install husky --save-dev
npm pkg set scripts.prepare="husky install"
npm run prepare

Add a hook:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm run prettier:write" git add .husky/pre-commit

now try a commit:

git commit -m "Keep calm and commit"
# `npm run prettier:write` will run

Astro Starter Kit: Upgrade Astro to V3


npm install astro@latest

in package json change project Version to "version": "0.3.0"

npm install

Moved: astro check now requires an external package

npm run astro check

just press 'Y' and astro calls

npm install @astrojs/check typescript

add all astro default commands as shortcut commands in package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "astro": "astro",
    "build": "astro build",
    "check": "astro check",
    "dev": "astro dev",
    "docs": "astro docs",
    "info": "astro info",
    "preview": "astro preview",
    "start": "astro dev",
    "sync": "astro sync",
    "telemetry": "astro telemetry"

Astro Starter Kit: Basics

npm create astro@latest -- --template basics

Open in StackBlitz Open with CodeSandbox Open in GitHub Codespaces

🧑‍🚀 Seasoned astronaut? Delete this file. Have fun!


🚀 Project Structure

Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│   └── favicon.svg
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   │   └── Card.astro
│   ├── layouts/
│   │   └── Layout.astro
│   └── pages/
│       └── index.astro
└── package.json

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name.

There's nothing special about src/components/, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components.

Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

👀 Want to learn more?

Feel free to check our documentation or jump into our Discord server.

npm create astro@latest log / choices

$ npm create astro@latest
Need to install the following packages:
  [email protected]
Ok to proceed? (y)

astro   v2.10.1 Launch sequence initiated.

  dir   Where should we create your new project?

 tmpl   How would you like to start your new project?
        Include sample files
    ✔  Template copied

 deps   Install dependencies?
    ✔  Dependencies installed

   ts   Do you plan to write TypeScript?

  use   How strict should TypeScript be?
    ✔  TypeScript customized

  git   Initialize a new git repository?
    ✔  Git initialized

 next   Liftoff confirmed. Explore your project!
        Run npm run dev to start the dev server. CTRL+C to stop.
        Add frameworks like react or tailwind using astro add.

        Stuck? Join us at

npm run astro -- --help

$ npm run astro -- --help

> astro
> astro --help

   astro  v2.10.1 Build faster websites.

  astro [command] [...flags]

                add  Add an integration.
              build  Build your project and write it to disk.
              check  Check your project for errors.
                dev  Start the development server.
               docs  Open documentation in your web browser.
               info  List info about your current Astro setup.
            preview  Preview your build locally.
               sync  Generate content collection types.
          telemetry  Configure telemetry settings.

   Global Flags
    --config <path>  Specify your config file.
      --root <path>  Specify your project root folder.
       --site <url>  Specify your project site.
  --base <pathname>  Specify your project base.
          --verbose  Enable verbose logging.
           --silent  Disable all logging.
          --version  Show the version number and exit.
             --help  Show this help message.

Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages

extend astro.config.mjs with

 site: '',
 base: '/astro-build-first-steps'

add file .github/workflows/deploy.yml with content from docu