LitReview for PhD
LitReview/Lit_Review_Plan.docx: beginning thinking and planning of literature review to ensure transparency and reproducability.
400_Reading_Workbook: Table to keep note of reading completed for dissertation. Not as methodical as this search but may contain some useful notes once sifting is completed.
NCCMT Factsheet: recommended by textbook; downloaded and saved for possible future use
Reading_list_abstract_sift: document keeping note of decisions made about papers returned in keyword search with title and abstract sift carried out
Search_Results: count data of papers returned from each database from keyword search. Completed on Friday 14 October 2016
Reading_List_further_screening: Excel document derived from Reading_list_abstract_sift. Null responses and duplicates removed. Entrants used to locate articles / theses and recording whether downloaded or not
Reading_List_Library_request: filtered list of dissertations that are only available via Proquest (with charge); excel document; rows in red are a priority if possilbe
Exported_List_of_included_Covidence_Studies.ris: Metadata of studies included after Covidence Full text review stage. Exported on Wed 9 Nov and used to group studies in Mendeley in "included Covidence folder"; more texts may become apparent with citation search
Effects Review: diagram to show flow of information in model article
Exported_List_of_Excluded_Covidence_Studies.txt: articles excluded after full text review -with reasons.
Exported_List_of_included_Covidence_Studies-txt: plain text format of earlier file so saved as a separate file rather than a versioned file.
Literature_Search.xmind: Diagram of literature search process detailing different strands to the search with number of articles at each stage. For use in supplementary materail in any submisison
Prisma-P-Checklist.docx: Word document template to allow for creation of a review protocol - needed by BMJ these days to ensure transparent and reproducible review process as free of bias as possible.
Database21.accdb: Access database of tables / forms with fields to allow for extraction of both descriptive and statistical data in preparation for meta-analysis. Given the different study designs / sample populations / analytical methods and reporting standards within the literature, RevMan5 is not an appropriate software to export Covidence data from, hence the move away from Cochrane templates.
Studies with different effects.xmind: A mind map to facilitate the sub-grouping of studies, by paradigm and then manipulated effects. Sample populations are listed after each study if they are not the default young vs old adults sample population