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Simple SVG + jQuery for animating progress using Waypoints to trigger the animation on an element when you scroll to it.


The motivation behind this script was to have a way of animating SVG circles, which I was using on our agency's portfolio to visualize clients' improvements (e.g. "+25% conversion rate"), like so:

Example of SVGProgressCircle




Add the stylesheet to the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="SVGProgressCircle/SVGProgressCircle.css">

Add the following libraries to the page:

  • jQuery
  • SVGProgressCircle.js
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="SVGProgressCircle/SVGProgressCircle.js"></script>

If you're already using Waypoints in your build, you can include the library without Waypoints:

<script src="SVGProgressCircle/nowaypoints.SVGProgressCircle.js"></script>


Include the following HTML and SVG wrapped inside the element you want to initialize (e.g. <div id="circle">...</div>):

<div class="number">
	<div class="number-circle-container">
		<div class="number-text">
			<div class="number-string">
				<span class="number-int">0</span>
			<span class="number-after-text">Degrees Fahrenheit</span>
		<div class="svg-container">											
			<svg class="svg" viewBox="0 0 200 200" version="1.1" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
				<circle class="bar-bg" r="90" cx="100" cy="100" fill="transparent" stroke-dasharray="565.49" stroke-dashoffset="0"></circle>
				<circle class="bar" r="90" cx="100" cy="100" fill="transparent" stroke-dasharray="565.49" stroke-dashoffset="565.49" transform="rotate(-90 100 100)" stroke="#9FEE00" style="stroke-dashoffset: 565.49;"></circle>

To initialize, call progressCircle on the element:



Option Type Defaults Description
number number 0 The number for the circle to animate to
min number 0 The starting point for the circle to animate from
max number 100 The maximum value the circle can animate to (must be greater than or equal to the number value
speed number 2000 The speed, in milliseconds, it takes for the circle to complete its animation once initialized
delay number 0 The delay, in milliseconds, of the circle's animation
prefix string '' A string (such as '$') to be prepended to the circle's text
suffix string '' A string (such as '$') to be appended to the circle's text
offset number/string '80%' When to trigger the animation (see Waypoints API)
loop boolean false Infinitely loops the circle animation
format object
format.decimal string '.' The format for decimal points within the circle's text
format.thousands_sep string ',' The format for separating thousands within the circle's text
onInit function null Callback function to call once the circle animation is initialized
onComplete function null Callback function to call after the circle animation has completed

Build Your SVG Circle

If you're unfamiliar with SVG, you can use my "Create Your Own Circle" tool:

Build Your Own Circle Tool


Simple SVG + Javascript for visualizing progress






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