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CRAN version 2.5.0

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@Bisaloo Bisaloo released this 12 Nov 20:00
· 312 commits to master since this release


  • Add ability to compute colour volume by using alphashapes instead of convex hulls. The functions vol(), tcsvol() and voloverlap() gain a new argument type = c("convex", "alpha") to decide how you want to compute the colour volume. Please refer to the vignette vignette("pavo-5-alphashapes", package = "pavo") for more information. As a result, the argument order in these 3 function has changed. Check the documentation to update your scripts accordingly. The function summary.colspace() also gains an additional column that returns that colour volume computed with an alpha-shape of parameter alpha* in the case of tcs objects.


  • getimg() now imports image files with uppercase extensions (e.g., JPG or PNG), such as those produced by some camera brands or processing software.
  • Maximum quantum catches computation (data.maxqcatches attribute) now works for segment "visual model" as well. As a side effect, this removes a warning that occurred when users ran vismodel(..., visual = "segment").
  • sensmodel() now accepts the argument sensnames, for specifying the names of the resulting sensitivity curves on-the-fly.
  • CIE models now accept data created outside of vismodel(), by allowing users to specify the illuminant and viewer sensitivity function used when estimating XYZ values (via illum and visual arguments in colspace()).
  • bootcoldist() is now laxer in its argument checks and accept objects that are neither vismodel or colspace objects. This means you can now use this function on quantum catches dataframe that you obtained outside of pavo, such as the MICA toolbox.
  • summary.colspace() now prints a more explicit error when the by argument value is not a multiple of the number of rows in the colspace object (i.e., the number of spectra)
  • Added a continuous measure of hue to the output of the categorical model of Troje (1993)
  • teal example dataset columns have been renamed to add an additional zero in front of single digit numbers, so that column names now sort in the correct order by default.
  • Some very small negative values in the built-in visual system data have been corrected.
  • as.rspec() is now more lenient for wavelength trimming when interp = FALSE and now works even if the specified lims do not correspond to actual wl values from the input object.