This is my pet project where i try to learn spring-boot. This is beckend of messenger. But unfortunatelly it doesn't contain front-end, so there currently is only rest-api and some html pages for testing.
- Java 17
- Spring-boot
- postgres (for storing information about user and message metadata)
- haproxy (load balancer)
- redis (cache for storing sessions)
- cassandra (document db for storing message content)
I just started this project and i'm not best at spring, so this is not ideal, but i'm trying to fix that :) (fell free to show me my issues).
I use Just Oauth2, because i thought that it would be enough, so I'll add password registration outh some day.
I store sessions in redis because my load balancer uses 'round robin' mechanism (i know i can use tokens, but it is more complicated, i wanna do this in future)
Я только начал этот проект и не очень хорошо разбираюсь в Spring, поэтому код не идеальный, но я пытаюсь это исправить :) (не стесняйтесь указывать на маи проблемы).
Я использую только Oauth2, потому что думал, что этого будет достаточно, но когда-нибудь добавлю регистрацию с паролем.
Я храню сессии в Redis, потому что мой балансировщик нагрузки использует механизм циклического перебора (round robin) (я знаю, что могу использовать токены, но это сложнее, я хочу сделать это в будущем)
- You can register using oauth2
- You can send messages to another user
- You can see message history
If you want to run this project You can use docker, but You need to configure postgres and cassandra manually :( (i working on it)
- open this repo by downloading it and unpacking .zip file or run this command if You have git:
git clone && cd CommTh
build docker image:
docker compose up --build
when everything is downloaded You can stop by pressing ctrl + c
now u need to go to postgress and cassandra and run this commands:
docker exec -it commth-db-1 bash -c "psql -U postgres -d chat"
then paste this and press enter:
drop table if exists users;
drop table if exists message;
create table users (
id bigserial primary key ,
username char(128) not null unique,
mail char(128) not null unique
create table message (
message_id uuid not null unique primary key ,
users_id_from bigint not null,
users_id_to bigint not null,
time timestamp not null
- cassandra
docker exec -it commth-cassandra-1 bash -c "cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra"
then paste this and press enter
CREATE KEYSPACE spring_cassandra WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
then paste this and press enter
create table spring_cassandra.message_content(id UUID PRIMARY KEY, message_content text);
Now u can run
docker compose up
And this app is running
I am really sorry for such setup proccess, i am working on automatisation. If You can help me o nautomatisation it would be really cool :)