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Project management crashing via stochastic branch & bound

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Learning to Crash

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Project Scheduling

This repository contains a CLI tool to implement a stochastic branch & bound optimization method for the problem of crashing a project activity network subject to uncertain activity times and threshold penalties.


This application approximates a solution to the project management problem of finding an optimal crashing plan with uncertain activity times. The basic problem description can be found here. The solution approach follows the stochastic branch & bound method presented in here and applies the knowledge gradient technique introduced here.

The problem requires the following input data:

  1. A project network graph in the GraphML format (supplied as an XML file).

  2. Lists of pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic, values to describing the PERT activity time distributions.

  3. A covariance matrix describing the linear relationships among activity times.

  4. Threshold values describing penalties due to time overrun.

  5. A selection of branching decision method to apply from: "KG", "Random", "Uniform", "Distance", "Pareto_Inverse", and "Pareto_Boltzman".

  6. Number of samples that the user wants to consider.

The output of the CLI is an XML file with the solution obtained after applying the stochastic branch & bound method with the selected branching decision.

The branching strategies are described below:

  1. KG: Branching selection via the knowledge gradient with correlated normal beliefs method discussed here.

  2. Random: Random branching selection as discussed here.

  3. Uniform: Branching decision rule based on sampling on every available B&B leaf at every main iteration step.

  4. Distance: Branching decision obtained by forming the Pareto frontier of mean-variance pairs of each leaf and performing non-dominated sorting based on vector distance. The non-dominated sorting method is discussed here.

  5. Pareto_Inverse: Branching decision obtained by forming the Pareto frontier of mean-variance pairs of each leaf and performing non-dominated sorting based on inverse proportional probability:

where is the Pareto front selection pressure, is the total number of fronts, is the total number of solutions in front of rank , and .

  1. Pareto_Boltzman: Branching decision obtained by forming the Pareto frontier of mean-variance pairs of each leaf and performing non-dominated sorting based on inverse Boltzman probability:

where is the Pareto front selection pressure, is the total number of fronts, is the total number of solutions in front of rank , and .

The application also stores every solution and iteration in a SQL database for later retrieval and statistical analysis.


  • Python 3.8.12
  • SQLAlchemy 1.4.34
  • Bootstrapped 0.0.2
  • Graphviz 0.19.1
  • Gurobipy 9.5.1
  • Jellyfish 0.9.0
  • Matplotlib 3.5.1
  • Networkx 2.7.1
  • Numpy 1.22.3
  • Pandas 1.4.2
  • Pydot 1.4.2
  • Pyfiglet 0.8.pos
  • Pygmo 2.16.1
  • Scipy 1.8.0
  • Statsmodels 0.13.2

Description of files

Non-Python files:

filename description Text file (markdown format) description of the project.
sql/*.sql Postgres SQL files for database table creation.
output/*.png Output images (network and statistics).
presentation/crash_learning.pdf Code and results elevator pitch presentation.

Python and Jupyter scripts:

filename description
scripts/ Performs a single run of the method with specified parameters and randomly generated input data.
scripts/histogram_learning_sequence.ipynb Obtain comparison histograms form results data.
scrpits/network_figure.ipynb Obtain figure of network graph.

Python modules:

filename description
crash_code/ Database driver.
crash_code/ Generates covariance matrices for the activity times.
crash_code/ Generates activity crash times and costs.
crash_code/ Generates PERT distributions for activity times.
crash_code/ Generates connected project network graphs.
crash_code/ Generates penalty linear and exponential values for the optimization problem.
crash_code/ Generates random samples based on activity times PERT and correlation matrix.
crash_code/ Defines and solve with Gurobi an intermediate optimization problem with some fixed variables.
crash_code/ Implements the Knowledge-Gradient algorithm with correlated beliefs.
crash_code/ Nick Higham's nearest correlation algorithm. Python implementation by Mike Croucher found here.
crash_code/ Commits problem to DB and calls the branch & bound method.
crash_code/ Main file containing the branch & bound method and all supporting functions and methods. Includes methods to perform bootstrap and Pareto-based branching decision.
crash_code/ Solves the un-crashed and un-penalized scheduling problem on a single scenario to obtain bounds on costs and time.
crash_code/ Numerical utility functions.


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