This is my latest application, created with the purpose of showcasing my development skills. It implements libraries and APIs for its functionality, some of which are:
- Material 3
- Navigation
- Room
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flows
- Dagger - Hilt
- Glide
- Firebase Firestore & Auth
- Gson
Following the MVVM architecture and the principles of CLEAN architecture, this application retrieves information stored in Firebase and displays it to the user. It operates under the principle of "offline first", caching information for later retrieval even without an internet connection.
The application has translations for English and Spanish and adapts to the theme of the user's phone (Dark/Light). I am currently working on a video explaining all the above and showing the functionality in detail.
The "Cart" functionality works with shared preferences instead of Room, demonstrating my ability to work with local storage in shared preferences and parse JSON objects.