dotfiles, based on daler/dotfiles
This adds my preferences on top of Ryan Dale's dotfiles setup, (see here) for install instructions. To use, follow "Option 1: Use everything" in daler/dotfiles documentation.
Update ~/.aliases ls behavior a bit
alias ll='ls -lh' # from alias ll='ls -lrth'
alias la='ls -lhA' # from alias la='ls -lrthA'
Update ~/.bash_prompt PS1 base base
# from export PS1="\u@\h:\w\\$ "
export PS1="\u@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[0;32m\]\h\[$(tput sgr0)\]:\w\\$ "
git clone
Move into the cloned directory:
cd dotfiles.user
Add a user-specific profile for osx terminal:
cp Pro.user.terminal ~/
Importing the terminal profile:
Open a terminal and navigate to Preferences > Profile > Settings > Import, select the Pro.user.terminal profile. Select this profile in the left pane of the Preferences > Profile tab, click "Default" at the bottom of the panel and restart of terminal. You should now have a nice terminal profile that plays well with my preferred vim colorschemes and powerline.
Also, set a Powerline compatable font:
Preferences > Text > Font: "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline 12 pt."
Optional, add anaconda navigator env:
I sometimes like using Spyder IDE for python coding, but the stand-alone installation can be problematic with my laptop. Since miniconda has already been installed using daler/dotfiles, we can add a new conda environment containing the Anaconda Navigator which is shipped with Spyder.
To create an anaconda env: