A golang client library to connect with researchnow/ssi demand api
See complete API reference here
- Account credentials to access researchnow/ssi demand api
- Or, a test account to explore the API on UAT server
Predefined ClientOptions
are available for creating a new client.
Use UATClientOptions
or ProdClientOptions
for uat or prod environment, respectively.
The new client is initialized based on ClientOptions
parameter, described above. If ClientOptions
is nil, UATClientOptions
will be used.
client = samplify.NewClient("client_id", "username", "password", samplify.UATClientOptions)
The session expires after some time but the client will automatically acquire one by making an authentication request before sending out the actual request, again.
All the request functions return their respective response object, along with an error object. Generally, all response objects consist of:
- Requested data object.
- ResponseStatus, which consists of the "status" part of the json, returned. It is basically the API's custom status messages related to the request execution.
Some of the response objects (such as those that return a list) also contain a "Meta" field.
- Meta, contains metadata such as page navigation links etc.
r, err := client.GetAllProjects(nil)
if err == nil {
for _, p := range r.Projects {
fmt.Printf("Next page url: %s", r.Meta.Next)
Create a new project:
p := &samplify.CreateProjectCriteria{
ExtProjectID: "prj01",
Title: "Samplify Test Project 01",
r, err := client.CreateProject(p)
Update an existing project:
title := "Updated, samplify test project 01"
p := &samplify.UpdateProjectCriteria{
ExtProjectID: "prj01",
Title: &title,
r, err := client.UpdateProject(p)
The returned, ProjectResponse
object contains:
the newly created or updated project object.r.ResponseStatus
All client functions that take *QueryOptions
parameter, support filtering/sorting & pagination. Nested fields are not supported for filtering and sorting operations. Default limit
value is set to 10 but value up to 1000 is permitted.
options := &samplify.QueryOptions{
FilterBy: []*samplify.Filter{
&samplify.Filter{Field: samplify.QueryFieldTitle, Value: "Test Survey"},
&samplify.Filter{Field: samplify.QueryFieldState, Value: samplify.StateProvisioned},
SortBy: []*samplify.Sort{
&samplify.Sort{Field: samplify.QueryFieldCreatedAt, Direction: samplify.SortDirectionAsc},
&samplify.Sort{Field: samplify.QueryFieldExtProjectID, Direction: samplify.SortDirectionDesc},
Offset: 10,
Limit: 5,
r, err := client.GetAllProjects(options)
if err == nil {
for _, p := range r.Projects {
If multiple sort objects are provided, the order in which they are added in the slice, is followed.
- CreateProject(project *CreateProjectCriteria) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- CreateProjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, project *CreateProjectCriteria) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- UpdateProject(project *UpdateProjectCriteria) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- UpdateProjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, project *UpdateProjectCriteria) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- BuyProject(extProjectID string, buy []*BuyProjectCriteria) (*BuyProjectResponse, error)
- BuyProjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string, buy []*BuyProjectCriteria) (*BuyProjectResponse, error)
- CloseProject(extProjectID string) (*CloseProjectResponse, error)
- CloseProjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string) (*CloseProjectResponse, error)
- GetAllProjects(options *QueryOptions) (*GetAllProjectsResponse, error)
- GetAllProjectsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *QueryOptions) (*GetAllProjectsResponse, error)
- GetProjectBy(extProjectID string) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- GetProjectByWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string) (*ProjectResponse, error)
- GetProjectReport(extProjectID string) (*ProjectReportResponse, error)
- GetProjectReportWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string) (*ProjectReportResponse, error)
- AddLineItem(extProjectID string, lineItem *CreateLineItemCriteria) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- AddLineItemWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string, lineItem *CreateLineItemCriteria) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- UpdateLineItem(extProjectID, extLineItemID string, lineItem *UpdateLineItemCriteria) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- UpdateLineItemWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID, extLineItemID string, lineItem *UpdateLineItemCriteria) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- UpdateLineItemState(extProjectID, extLineItemID string, action Action) (*ChangeLineItemStateResponse, error)
- UpdateLineItemStateWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID, extLineItemID string, action Action) (*ChangeLineItemStateResponse, error)
- GetAllLineItems(extProjectID string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetAllLineItemsResponse, error)
- GetAllLineItemsWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetAllLineItemsResponse, error)
- GetLineItemBy(extProjectID, extLineItemID string) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- GetLineItemByWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID, extLineItemID string) (*LineItemResponse, error)
- GetFeasibility(extProjectID string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetFeasibilityResponse, error)
- GetFeasibilityWithContext(ctx context.Context, extProjectID string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetFeasibilityResponse, error)
- GetCountries(options *QueryOptions) (*GetCountriesResponse, error)
- GetCountriesWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *QueryOptions) (*GetCountriesResponse, error)
- GetAttributes(countryCode, languageCode string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetAttributesResponse, error)
- GetAttributesWithContext(ctx context.Context, countryCode, languageCode string, options *QueryOptions) (*GetAttributesResponse, error)
- GetSurveyTopics(options *QueryOptions) (*GetSurveyTopicsResponse, error)
- GetSurveyTopicsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *QueryOptions) (*GetSurveyTopicsResponse, error)
- RefreshToken() error
- RefreshTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, ) error
- Logout() error
- LogoutWithContext(ctx context.Context, ) error
- GetHealthyStatus() (*APIResponse, error)
- GetHealthyStatusWithContext() (*APIResponse, error)
Supports API functionalities, such as:
- Authentication, including automatic re-authentication on token expire.
- Project and Line Items related requests. Such as, create, update, get-all, get-by-id requests etc.
- Filtering & Sorting
- Pricing & Feasibility
- Data endpoint functions, serving attributes, categories and countries & languages data.
- Maaz Nisar