This program uses Gephi Toolkit which provides essential Gephi modules e.g. Filters, Layout.
It reads from a user defined configuration file consists of a sequence of tasks and automatically apply them in a chain.
In this way it solves the problem that visulization of a graph takes too much memory.
By processing a graph without visualizing it, it is able to handle graphs hundreds of times bigger on the same machine.
Three Layers:
- Parses configurations in file
- Package a task and its arguments and pass to executor
- The executor calls corresponding handling method using Java Reflection
Fromat example refer to graph.config
Detail parameters of defined tasks see section below.
arguments: N/A
arguments: lowerBound, upperBound
arguments: lowerBound, upperBound
arguments: depth
arguments: degree
arguments: scaleFactor
arguments: iterations (optional)
arguments: iterations (optional)
arguments: N/A
arguments: iterations (optional)
arguments: spaceSize (optional)