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Appium plugin to export Appium server metrics and traces using OpenTelemetry.


# install plugin
appium plugin install --source=npm appium-otel-plugin

# run appium with the plugin
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=appium
appium server --use-plugins=appium-otel-plugin


This plugin has 2 modes for exporting traces, which can be switched with the environment variable APPIUM_OTEL_TRACE_SEMANTIC.

HTTP Semantic Tracing (by default)

The plugin hooks and exports incoming http requests and outgoing http requests in the Appium server. It can act as distributed tracing if you enabled OpenTelemetry http instruments in your appium client.

Command Semantic Tracing

The plugin hooks an Appium command and sends a command executino as a span. It also starts a parent span at the start of Appium session and links the commands associated with the session as child spans.


The plugin collects the following metrics:

Name Type Desciption
appium.command.responses Counter Incremented each time one command is completed. Collected with a status attribute indicating whether the command is successful or not. Gauge Number of active sessions.
appium.sessions.oldest_age Gauge Age (in seconds) of the oldest active session.


You can configure the plugin with environment variables.

Env Default Desciption
APPIUM_OTEL_TRACE_ENABLED true Enable tracing if true.
APPIUM_OTEL_METRICS_ENABLED true Enable metrics if true.
APPIUM_OTEL_TRACE_SEMANTIC http Specify the tracing mode. One of the following http, command.
APPIUM_OTEL_TRACE_EXPORTER otlp One of available trace exporter. The followings are supported: otlp zipkin console
APPIUM_OTEL_ATTRIBUTES_IN_CAPS platformName If the keys specified by this exist in the capabilities, they are sent as attributes if the metrics/span is associated with a session. e.g. platformName,app,udid
APPIUM_OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER otlp One of available trace exporter. The followings are supported: otlp console
APPIUM_OTEL_METRICS_EXPORT_INTERVAL_MILLIS 10000 Some metrics are collected periodically. You can change the collection period with this value.
DEBUG false Set loglevel of opentelemetry API to DEBUG.
APPIUM_OTEL_AUTO_DETECT_RESOURCES true Toggle whether to enable auto detect resources.
APPIUM_OTEL_ATTRIBUTES Attributes to be added to the metrics/spans. e.g. env=development,region=us-east-1

In addition to them, you would be able to use OpenTelemetry environment variables like OTEL_SERVICE_NAME when APPIUM_OTEL_AUTO_DETECT_RESOURCES is true.


This plugin doesn't support exporting logs. If you are a Datadog user and interested in exporting logs, you might be interested in appium-ddlog-plugin.


Appium plugin to apply OpenTelemetry to Appium server








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