A plugin of sorts to https://github.com/kevinchappell/formBuilder to create dependencies between fields
This plugin for formbuilder adds the ability to depend the visibility and validation of a field on a selectbox, checkbox or radio button from the form. It comprises of a UI picker which allows you to select what you would like to depend on, (checkbox/select etc...) and then loads up the various options for you to choose from.
What this results in from the renderer point of view is if you check a checkbox or select an option that has something that depends on it, that item will become visible/valid, if you uncheck/unselect then it hides and becomes disabled (to remove its validation)
The best way to see how it works is;
- Builder: load the src/build.html in a browser
- Renderer: load the src/render.html in a browser
Under normal circumstances you may have the following code to show the builder
myFormBuilder = div.formBuilder(
// add your formbuilder setup here
So instead you would wrap that in a method call which merges in the the formbuilder_depends setup
<script src="/path/to/depends_setup.js"></script>
myFormBuilder = div.formBuilder(
// add your formbuilder setup here
You will also need the modal id="modal-form-dependson" (get it from the build.html demo) somewhere in your HTML, this is used to render the dependency picker
<form id="public_form" target="#" method="POST" class="needs-validation">
<div id="fb-render">
let form = $('#fb-render').formRender({
// add your formbuilder render setup here
The javascript just gets a methodcall afterwards on the enclosing form. Which allows it to run through the form and bind the dependencies.
<form id="public_form" target="#" method="POST" class="needs-validation">
<div id="fb-render">
<script src="/path/to/depends_render.js"></script>
let form = $('#fb-render').formRender({
// add your formbuilder render setup here
Happy Hunting