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Scraping and MongoDB Models for Quotes and Authors

This repository contains Python scripts and MongoDB models for scraping quotes and author information from a website and storing them in a MongoDB database. The project is managed using the Poetry package manager. Here, I will provide an overview of the files and their purpose.


  1. This script uses the Scrapy framework to scrape quotes and author information from the "" website. It defines two Scrapy Items, AuthorItem and QuoteItem, to hold the scraped data. The scraped data is processed by the QuotesPipline class, which stores the quotes and author information in separate lists. After the spider finishes crawling, the collected data is saved as JSON files.

  2. This script contains the MongoDB models for storing the scraped quotes, authors, and contact information in the database. It uses the mongoengine library to define the document classes. The Author class represents author information, the Quote class represents quotes with references to authors, and the Contact class represents contact information.

  3. pyproject.toml: The Poetry project file that specifies project dependencies, Python version, and other project-related metadata.

  4. poetry.lock: The Poetry lock file that pins the exact versions of the dependencies.

MongoDB Models

The MongoDB models are defined in using the mongoengine library. Here's a summary of the models:

  1. Author Model:

    • Fields: fullname, born_date, born_location, description
    • Collection Name: "authors"
    • Indexes: [("fullname", "born_date")]
  2. Quote Model:

    • Fields: tags, author, text
    • Collection Name: "quotes"
  3. Contact Model:

    • Fields: fullname, email, phone, preferred_contact_method, logic_
    • Collection Name: "contacts"


To run the scraping script and populate the MongoDB database, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have MongoDB installed and running.
  2. Install Poetry by following the installation instructions provided at
  3. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  4. Run poetry install to install the project dependencies specified in pyproject.toml.
  5. Set up a MongoDB connection by modifying the connect function call in with your own database credentials.
  6. Run the scraping script by executing poetry run python in the terminal. This will initiate the scraping process and save the scraped data as JSON files.
  7. After running the scraping script, execute poetry run python in the terminal to store the scraped data in the MongoDB database.

Feel free to explore and modify the scripts as needed for your specific use case.

Please note that this is a general overview of the files and their purpose. For more detailed information, refer to the comments within the code files.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.


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