Releases: remackgeek/elements-zone-strategy
Releases · remackgeek/elements-zone-strategy
Final Release -- Obsolete in Angular 10.1
Update the readme to say this library is unnecessary in angular 10.1 and beyond.
Angular 10 Compatibility Release
update to angular 10 libraries
test beta publishing workflow
test circleci beta publish workflow (won't actually publish)
Angular 9 Compatibility Release
v9.0.0 update readme, version for 9.0.0
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 13
v9.0.0-beta.5.9 more debugging deploy
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 12
v9.0.0-beta.5.7 debugging publish
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 14
v9.0.0-beta.5.10 debugging
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 11
v9.0.0-beta.5.6 more deploy debugging
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 10
v9.0.0-beta.5.5 still debugging publishing
test Angular 9 compatibility dry-run 9
v9.0.0-beta.5.4 still trying to deploy