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Front-end Skeleton Test Suite


This package is to be used in conjunction with the rehabstudio front-end skeleton. It plugs directly into the skeletons test task. By default, it comes ready to serve tests via Karma as a test runner, Webpack as a bundler, Mocha as a test framework, Chai as an assertion library and Sinon as a mocks/spies library.


npm install rehab-fe-skeleton-testsuite --save-dev


Simply call the runTests method of this module with your desired parameters. It will instantiate a karma.Server object with your parameters and a callback method to run once the test suite has finished running. Your callback method will get the exit code from Karma as a parameter (0 for success, 1 for error). The settings you use should be based upon those found on the Karma configuration page.

var testSuiteWrapper = require('rehab-fe-skeleton-testsuite');

// Dummy Karma settings.
var karmaSettings = {
    client: {
        mocha: {
            timeout: 8000

    frameworks: [

    files: [

    preprocessors: {
        './tests/*.spec.js': ['webpack']

    reporters: [

    junitReporter: {
        outputDir: './test-results',
        outputFile: 'results.xml',
        useBrowserName: false

    browsers: [

    port: 9876,

    autoWatch: false,

    singleRun: true

// Test call to the test suite wrapper.
testSuiteWrapper.runTests(karmaSettings, function(exitCode) {
    console.log('Tests Complete: Callback called.', exitCode);

Specifying different frameworks and reporters

There are framework packages already installed within this module (a list of which you can read from the package.json). When specifying reporters and frameworks as strings, know that Karma will attempt to load them from within the node_modules of this module, not your own application. If you wish to specify a different set of reporters and frameworks then specify them as actual loaded functions rather than strings; include them as your own applications dependencies and require them into the settings file. An example of this is listed below, and for more detail see the Plugins page on the Karma website.

var testSuiteWrapper = require('rehab-fe-skeleton-testsuite');

// Dummy Karma settings.
var karmaSettings = {
    client: {
        mocha: {
            timeout: 8000

    frameworks: [

    files: [

    preprocessors: {
        './tests/*.spec.js': ['webpack']

    reporters: [

    junitReporter: {
        outputDir: './test-results',
        outputFile: 'results.xml',
        useBrowserName: false

    browsers: [

    plugins: [
        // Loaded from NPM dependencies of this package.

        // Inlined from your own projects node dependencies.

    port: 9876,

    autoWatch: false,

    singleRun: true

// Test call to the test suite wrapper.
testSuiteWrapper.runTests(karmaSettings, function(exitCode) {
    console.log('Tests Complete: Callback called.', exitCode);


A wrapper for the test suite of the rehabstudio front-end skeleton.







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