❯ git log --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" v1.2.2..HEAD ansible/library ansible/action_plugins ansible/cloud_providers ansible/roles-infra ansible/*.yml tools/ tests/ ansible/filter_plugins ansible/lookup_plugins ansible.cfg
- 7ef1a2c Add config to externally provide private SSH key used for provision and destroy at EC2 (#5060) by makirill
- cde665d align azure python module versions with other virtualenvs (#5049) by Judd Maltin
- 6b9a6d0 merge virtualenvs azure_open_envs-ansible2.9-python3.6-2022-04-06.txt ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-11-30.txt (#5028) by Judd Maltin
- f5e347b Remove possible unecessary .pem in pubkey path (#4993) by Guillaume Coré