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[PROP] User defined types (UDT) and dependent types

hiiamboris edited this page Feb 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

User Defined Types (UDT):

There are 2 syntaxes:

  • (type-a) type-name#value
  • (type-b) type-name#{characters}

Type-a cannot have spaces. Type-b can have spaces.

type-name should be simple to read and write:

  • common the ASCII letters a-z
  • case insensitive as the Red (a = A, b = B...)
  • common word separators found in the ASCII: -, _


  • name
  • name-name2
  • NameName (same as namename)
  • name_name

spaces are characters not visible on the screen. Explained more in Whitespace character wiki. Examples:

characters are any valid UTF8 character (or other character encoding specified by the user). characters, of course, include spaces (defined above).

value (as in type-a name#value) is any valid characters (defined above) but without any spaces (defined above).
For example, name#foo is valid value, name#foo baz is not valid value.

Using {} in the type-b syntax suggests user that it's a string. A type provider can parse string however s/he want it. Using blocks ([]) would restrict users.
For example if the Red doesn't allow comma (,) in a word s/he cannot write [a,b]. {a,b} is valid.

Using one variable name for many, especially different, things may cause errors.
User can redefine type but s/he shouldn't do this. We should warn him/her at least.
Using above syntax you can create hue-saturation-value UDT (note the use of 'type-name' to specify the UDT name, here type-name = HSV):

  • HSV#360,1.0,1.0

and hue-saturation-lightness UDT (here type-name = HSL)

  • HSL#360,1.0,1.0

both UDTs are using the similar syntax (after # both UDTs use: 3 numbers, separated by comma ,, the first number is the type of integer!, the second and the third are type of float!)

Type provider (programmer that implements a type) will parse only his/her types. For example HSV#360,1.0,1.0:

  1. the Red split it into m: #[type-name: "HSV" value: "360,1.0,1.0"]
  2. the Red will call parser: parsers(m/type-name) background-color: parser/parse(m/value)
  3. background-color will be an object:
construct [
    type-name: "HSV"
    hue: 360
    saturation: 1.0
    value: 1.0
    method: func [a] [...]
    ; other functions (methods)

Types has functions called methods (from the OOP terminology). So you can do background-color/darker to make it darker, background-color/hue 42 to change the hue, background-color + background-color to add 2 colors (it might be just a syntactic sugar for HSV/add background-color background-color or background-color/add background-color).

As for examples of type-b (with spaces), lets take the old Ruby's hash (map in the Red): #["a" 42] in the Ruby will be {"a" => 42}

  1. The type provider split on spaces (result: [{"a"} "=>" "42"])
  2. The type provider will parse it (s/he check if "a" is valid key, s/he checks if next "symbol" is =>, s/he check if 42 is valid as value; it will store key - value pairs).

It's possible to parse anything, even the programming language that is made of spaces.

Functions' spec should accept a type provided by programmer. For example f: function [color1 [HSV]] [print color/hue] so when f is called color1: HSV#222,0.5,0.5 f color1 it will check if the types in the spec and the types of an argument match (HSV/type-name == color1/type-name).


Dependent types:

Dependent type is (from wiki) is

a type whose definition depends on a value. A "pair of integers" is a type. A "pair of integers where the second is greater than the first" is a dependent type because of the dependence on the value.

Using above syntaxes we can easily implement the dependent types.
We should just extend the function (as the function in foo: function [a] [print a]).
Common example of dependent type is adding 2 vectors (arrays of the same length).

vect1: my-vector#{1 2 3} ; object [type-name: "my-vector" arr: [1 2 3] length: 3 ]
vect2: my-vector#{1 2 3} ; object [type-name: "my-vector" arr: [1 2 3] length: 3 ]
vect3: my-vector#{1 2 3 4 5} ; object [type-name: "my-vector" arr: [1 2 3 4 5] length: 5] 

sum: function [
  vect1 [my-vector! length1: length]
  vect2 [my-vector! length1: length]

  returns: [my-vector! length: length1]
  make my-vector! compose [
    type-name: "my-vector"
    length: (length1)
    arr: copy []
      repeat count length [append arr (vect1/arr/:count + vect2/arr/:count)]

Here, sum function depends on the same lengthes of the vectors.

function will:

  1. get vect1's length attribute and it tries to store it into length1 (length1: length); length1 is not defined so it's ok
  2. get vect2's length attribute and it tries to store it into length1; length1 has already value so it will compare length1 and vect1/length
  3. do the body of the function
  4. check the return value of the function with the returns
  • Is the type of it the my-vector!?
  • Is the length equal the length1?

In case of sum vect1 vect2 it will pass: length of the vect1 and the vect2 are the same (point 1 and 2), type of the return value is the same as in spec (my-vector!) (point 4a), length of the return value is the same as in the spec (point 4b).
In case of sum vect1 vect3 it won't pass: length are not the same (point 2)


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