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Support to latest android
Notifications Support For M+

App Description

This app is a simple webview app with FCM notification + drawer submenus
Pretty easy to customize and Run
Php - Firebase Notifications
Android - Webview
Pull To refresh
Loader Options
String only customization

Set up FCM - Just add Configs :)

If you want the FCM for send push notifications to your customer, you must to follow this steps: Like a google maps setup, you must to create or edit your project on Google Api Console. Go to this link: and follow the instructions. Android side Edit res -> values -> strings.xml • Set your register.php url on the server_url value (install PUSHPANEL BEFORE) • Put your Project ID on: google_api_sender_id Web Server side

  1. Put the push_panel folder on your host server (with php support)
  2. Create a database and import the .sql database
  3. Edit register.php and sendpush.php, change the mysql connection with your access.
  4. Configure your Api KEY (from Google Api Console -> Credentials) on sendpush.php.