A glossary of German reduplication vocabulary and documentation of systematics behind these words
For more information on this linguistic phenomenon, please read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduplication
Because this project is based around German words and specific characteristics of this linguistic phenomenon, also read here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduplikation_(Sprache)
Here is also a nice summary of the distinction in various types of reduplications in German I came across when starting research: https://www.leemeta-uebersetzungen.de/blog/grammatik/reduplikationen-doppelmoppel-singsang-wirrwarr-und-mischmasch
The goal of this project is to collect vocabulary that are reduplications and document more interesting information on these words, like:
- a source of where they are mentioned
- their meaning
- their word type (verb, adjective, noun, etc)
- and their classification based on their type of reduplication (einfache Doppelung, Reimdoppelung, Ablautdoppelung)
Examples: einfache Doppelung (exakte Reduplikation): Agar Agar, April April, klein-klein, hopp-hopp, Tamtam, Wauwau, Barbar, Beriberi, Couscous, Dada, dallidalli, bye bye, Bumbum, Bonbon, Bling-Bling, effeff, fifty-fifty, gaga, halbe-halbe, igittigitt, Kiki, Mau-Mau, Popo, Pipi, Pinkepinke, plemplem, Purpur, teils – teils, töfftöff, Wehweh, zackzack.
Reimdoppelung (Reimbildung, Echowortbildung): Heckmeck, Kuddelmuddel, Larifari, Remmidemmi, Techtelmechtel, Hokuspokus, Schickimicki, doppelt gemoppelt, ratzfatz, ruckzuck, Flitzer-Blitzer, halligalli, Hokuspokus, Hoppelpoppel, Hottentotten, Klimbim, Kuddelmuddel, Rambazamba, Schorlemorle, Texmex, Tuttifrutti.
Ablautdoppelung (apofonische Doppelung): bei der Reduplikation mit Scheinablaut findet im Deutschen meist ein Wechsel von i zu a statt: z. B. Flickflack, Ticktack, Hickhack, Krimskrams, tipptopp, Mischmasch, Singsang, ritsch-ratsch, Schnickschnack, schnipp-schnapp, tick-tack, Tingeltangel, Wirrwarr, Zickzack.