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This repository contains the centralized Renovate preset (default.json) and the reusable workflow used to run Renovate (.github/workflows/renovate.yml)

Used branches

  • main (aka develop), this is where the development happens and changes are introduced. This branch is kept up-to-date with Renovate pointing to its own preset.
  • release, this is the branch where all the repositories point to. After testing our changes in main, we promote main to release.

Dependency bump alignment across Rancher Manager

For easier alignment of versions across projects around the Rancher Manager ecosystem, a few presets were created that enforce version constraints for each Rancher minor version.

The presets are available at the root of this repository and follow the naming convention: rancher-<version>.json. To use these presets, a project can configure their renovate.json as per below:

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [
  "baseBranches": [
  "packageRules": [
      "matchBaseBranches": ["releases/v0.7.x"],
      "extends": ["github>rancher/renovate-config//rancher-2.11#rancher-presets"]
      "matchBaseBranches": ["releases/v0.6.x"],
      "extends": ["github>rancher/renovate-config//rancher-2.10#rancher-presets"]

Testing new changes

Matching patterns / versions found

Renovate configuration is not very unit testing friendly. Therefore, this project aims to validate all renovate files for syntax issues via make validate at its PR checks. This runs a strict check, so new formats which require migration will break.

When introducing new configuration, changes can be tested manually by adding a sample target file in /tests and running make test locally. To test the impact on a Dockerfile for example, create a test/Dockerfile:


Results in:

DEBUG: packageFiles with updates (repository=local)
       "config": {
         "regex": [
             "deps": [
                 "depName": "kubernetes/kubernetes",
                 "currentValue": "v1.25.12",
                 "datasource": "github-releases",
                 "replaceString": "ENV KUBECTL_VERSION v1.25.12\n",
                 "skipReason": "github-token-required",
                 "updates": [],
                 "packageName": "kubernetes/kubernetes"
                 "depName": "kubernetes/kubernetes",
                 "currentValue": "v1.25.12",
                 "datasource": "github-releases",
                 "replaceString": "ARG KUBECTL_VERSION=v1.25.12\n",
                 "skipReason": "github-token-required",
                 "updates": [],
                 "packageName": "kubernetes/kubernetes"
             "matchStrings": [
               "ENV KUBECTL_VERSION(\\=|\\s)(?<currentValue>.*?)\\n",
               "ARG KUBECTL_VERSION(\\=|\\s)(?<currentValue>.*?)\\n"
             "depNameTemplate": "kubernetes/kubernetes",
             "datasourceTemplate": "github-releases",
             "packageFile": "Dockerfile"

Some specific data sources will require a token (as per example above) which can be provided via the GITHUB_COM_TOKEN environment variable. This token requires read-only access to public repositories and it is used to fetch changelogs without being constraint by GH's API rate-limits.

E2E testing

For non straight-forward changes, an effective way to confirm the configuration is working as expected is to do a full renovate run.

Manually triggering the Renovate workflow

Push changes to a branch on the target repository (not your fork). On the GitHub Actions tab, manually trigger renovate via the run workflow button. Ensure that you pick the new branch and that "Override default log level" is set to debug and "Override all schedules" is set to true.

Note that Renovate may at times merge your branch configuration with the configuration from the default branch of that repository, which may result in your settings not working as expected. To understand the final config, check the section DEBUG: Post-massage config of the logs - this is only visible when renovate is executed in debug mode as per above.


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