Author: Drew Robinson ([email protected])
Sales Manager Dashboard App
- Node (v7.8.0)
- NPM (4.50)
Install Dev:
npm install
npm run start-dev
- dev-url: http://localhost:8080/
- !!Note: App.js [ln:17] isDev {bool} disables data peristance for localhost:8080
Run Tests (Jest w/Enzyme):
- run tests:
npm run test
- run and watch tests:
npm run test:watch
- run and update snapshots:
npm run test:update
Production Build:
npm run build
- ReactJS/ES6
- WebPack
- Redux
- Async networking with promises
- Local Storage
- Code Splitting
- App can load on offline/flaky connections
- Registers a Service Worker
- Responds with a 200 when offline
- Page load performance is fast
- Site is progressively enhanced
- Contains some content when JavaScript is not available
- Network connection is secure
- Uses HTTPS
- Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS
- User can be prompted to Add to Homescreen
- Registers a Service Worker
- Manifest exists
- Design is mobile-friendly
- @TODO Firebase Integration