🔭 I’m currently working on Gojek - Merchant Platform as a software engineer.
🌱 I’m currently learning to be a full stack software engineer. (Previously I am specialized on Mobile Android app development).
🔭 I’m currently working on Gojek - Merchant Platform as a software engineer.
🌱 I’m currently learning to be a full stack software engineer. (Previously I am specialized on Mobile Android app development).
Modular android implementation example
Forked from npanasenko/android-cropimage
CropImage Activity from Gallery.apk packaged as a reusable Android library (4.0 and up).
Java 1
Android wrapper library for sending message to RabbitMQ server
Java 1
Example implementation of Merchant Server required for new Veritrans Mobile SDK
This is web apps project that used to host geospatial data that can be used for mobile or web consuming.
This application was simple application that using socket connection to get data from http://xinuc.org:7387/. These data represent chess pawn position.