Perform twitter sentiment analysis using Apache Spark Streaming.
This scala program accumulates count of positive, negative and neutral sentiment tweets and print out them every 10 seconds with 10 second sliding window
- Intelli-J with Scala plugin
- Registered a Twitter application at and sign in with your twitter account and created an application.
You will get <consumer key> <consumer secret> <access token> <access token secret>
- Import the project as SBT project
- It uses scala version:
and Spark version:1.4.1
. Update this if required inside build.sbt - Goto Run -> Edit configuration -> Program Arguments
- Enter 4 params: consumerKey consumerSecret accessToken accessTokenSecret
- Run -> Run TwitterSentimentAnalysis
Tweet:Currently watching Beauty Beast Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:The Best Bodybuilding Supplements For Hardgainers
httpstcoVsjveOOcPH httpstcovbbCCbz Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT yukifurukawaHP staffh Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT CraveToRave You run httpstcolpOTBeni Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT kordeimanis meggings wow masculinity fragile word leggings girls https Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:kbdpftcris lepitennicell PushAwardsKathNiels Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT TvlertheCreator Basically httpstcoheSUcBjQEe Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT Zaferabbas love a friend Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:BindaasChokri craigfonseca WeirdlyWiredWeedTea Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:ugh Pos:0 Neg:1 Neutral:0
Tweet:RT AreaTawa Nyesek itu Gitu cewe naik Timbangan eh timbangan nya ngomong Maap mbak untuk timbangan gajah disebelah yah Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT RANNMALHOTRA The Guy nervous nervousGreat work Rep Alan Grayson
httpstcoEkjZSRApvY Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:Matulog na pls Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
httpstcoTXERYmkBA Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT themusicnetwork FREEumusicAU teamed MMADAustralia a nationwide campaign single MMADU httpstcohyamHwGG h Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT Georgeiloka Smh httpstcoOjvwUFSU Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT janinist The amount hate Muslims directed hashtag ExMuslimBecause shows persecution ExMuslims faced Mu Pos:0 Neg:1 Neutral:0
Tweet:kbdpftcris kbdpftcris knteroristard PushAwardsKathNiels PushAwardsKathNiels Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:Dapat pala sa bahay nalang ako Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT CoolPetVideo Hedgehog Vines Cute Hedgehogs That Run Hide Play Eat httpstcotgEWmSI Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Twitter Sentiment in last 10 seconds
Positive: 12 Negative:9 Neutral:95
Tweet:Thanks top interactors PletchaPJWebb GERARDJAMESHAY Backpacklaptop tweetjukebox httpstcoUXJlUhoO Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:K Return Kings Episode Subtitle Indonesia httpstcoCFTRjHvLNU Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:Now Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT CaseThurmon Thank RebelNation time West Monroe Greatest memories life Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:os ALDUBSumptuousLunch Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT thefemaleboook Life goals httpstconfXdPrNL Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT Iifepost heart httpstcolKLSedERg Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:This cute httpstcoSWvvPKM Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:zaweiner avi cute goodness I love Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:NizamTyra tak boleh tak boleh tak bolehheee cubit kang Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:Im earning mPLUSRewards mPLACES httpstcofSNXhWLRf Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT ALDUBEUROPE Kulit ni Meng Shes naturally jolly mainedcm
ALDUBSumptuousLunch httpstcovpbAsdVOoQ Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:hunger satisfied Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:RT LDSquotable Put God trials face Koichi Aoyagi Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT FlirtyNotes My mother a blessing Pos:1 Neg:0 Neutral:0
Tweet:RT AlexHirsch DavePetillo We Didnt Start Cipher Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT MadanChikna Was watching Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
please MemoriesIWantToDelete httpstcoClYDHhPyy Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:Without time Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Tweet:RT OneFunnyMummy Yet Such a small word huge possibilities Pos:0 Neg:0 Neutral:1
Twitter Sentiment in last 10 seconds
Positive: 39 Negative:19 Neutral:146