Welcome to the repository for my personal website! This project showcases my portfolio, blog, and other personal projects. The website is built with modern web technologies, featuring a clean and accessible dark mode-only design.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Typography: Space Grotesk, Space Mono
- Deployment: GitHub Pages
- Dark Mode Only: A sleek and focused design optimized for low-light environments.
- Responsive Design: Works seamlessly across devices, from mobile to desktop.
- Blog: Insights and write-ups on topics like computer science, math, and personal growth.
- Portfolio: A showcase of projects that reflect my interests and skills.
To set up the project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ragibasif/ragibasif.github.io.git cd ragibasif.github.io
in your browser to view the site.
├── 404.html # Custom 404 error page
├── assets # Images, icons, and other static assets
├── css # Stylesheets
├── js # JavaScript files
├── favicon.ico # Favicon for the site
├── index.html # Main HTML file
├── LICENSE # License file
├── README.md # Project overview
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have suggestions or improvements. All contributions are welcome!
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to connect, email me at [email protected].