- Faculty @ Insper (2016 - ...)
- PhD in progress @ Unicamp/IC (2022 - ...) Under the supervision of Prof. Rodolfo Azevedo.
- Visiting scholar @ UIUC (2023-1)
I am a faculty member at Insper where I teach digital systems to undergraduate students in computer engineering and computer science. This includes instruction on topics such as FPGAs, microcontrollers, and Embedded Linux:
My current research focuses on the area of CsED. We are collaborating on a project with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UIUC-INSPER, which includes members:
- UIUC: Craig Zilles and Mariana Silva
- Insper: Igor Montagner and Rafael Corsi
The objectives of our project are:
- To apply existing research on immediate feedback and frequent testing within the Insper educational context.
My contributions are specifically aimed at:
- Second Chance: Investigating student behavior in various scenarios involving second chances with a pass/fail assessment system.
- Code Quality: Developing a specialized static analysis tool tailored for embedded systems.
- Continuous Feedback on Code Quality: Examining how students respond to ongoing feedback regarding code quality.
- Continuous Feedback in Open Projects: Exploring methods to provide continuous feedback in the context of open-ended projects.
⭐ 2025 SIGCSE, Pittsburgh - Exploring Different Specifications Grading Policies ( Paper )
Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Craig Zilles, Mariana Silva
2024 Koli Calling, Joensuu - (Doctoral Consortium) Teaching Code Quality In Embedded Systems ( Abstract )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão
2024 SIGCSE Virtual - (Abstract) LLM-based Individual Contribution Summarization in Software Projects ( Abstract )
Fábio Roberto de Miranda, Diego Pavan Soler, Rafael Corsi Ferrão
2024 SIGCSE Virtual - (Abstract) (Accpeted) Micro-Specialization As Solution To Open-Ended Project ( Abstract )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Mariana Silva, Craig Zilles, Rodolfo Azevedo
2024 FIE, Washington DC - Cost-Effective Clusters in Education: A Model for Practical HPC Learning
Tiago A. O. Demay, Lícia S. C. Lima, Michel S. Fornaciali, André Filipe M. Batista, Rafael Corsi
2024 ITSC, Edmonton - Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: An Approach to Cybersecurity and Operational Safety
Tiago Demay, Rafael Corsi, Paulo Sérgio Cugnasca
⭐ 2024 ITiCSE, Milan - Embedded-Check: A Code Quality Tool for Automatic Firmware Verification ( Paper / Slides )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Mariana Silva, Craig Zilles, Rodolfo Azevedo
2024 ITiCSE, Milan - (Abstract) Learn by example in a modern embedded system course ( Abstract / Slides )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Rodolfo Azevedo
⭐ 2024 SIGCSE, Portland - Adapting immediate feedback and frequent testing to project-based courses ( Paper / Slides )
Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Andrew Toshi, Mariana Silva, Craig Zilles
2024 EduLearn, Palma - (Abstract) Helping students to start a project ( Slides )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Mariana Silva, Rodolfo Azevedo
2023 FIE, Texas - Moving Beyond VHDL in Introductory Computer Architecture Courses ( Paper )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Renan Trevisoli
2022 FIE, Uppsala - How much C can students learn in one week? ( Paper )
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Ricardo Caceffo, Rodolfo Azevedo
2019 FIE - Teaching C programming in context: a joint effort between the Computer Systems, Embedded Computing and Programming Challenges courses. ( Paper )
Igor Dos Santos Montagner, Rafael Corsi Ferrão, E. Marossi, F. J. Ayres
The following papers are from the time I worked at the NSEE laboratory at Maua, where I was developing an EGSE for the ESA Plato project and working with aerospace electronics systems.
2017 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky - Data processing unit using COTS micro-controllers working in redundancy
V. C. Parro, F. A. Martins, Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, L. Pinheiro da Silva
2016 International SpaceWire Conference, Yokohama - Multi-purpose simulator for Plato mission: SpaceWire mission and applications, short paper
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, Cassio Berni, Franklin Ronald Ferreira dos Santos, Vanderlei Cunha Parro, Philippe Plasson, Loic Gueguen, Saulo Finco, Gisbert Peter, Manfred Steller
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka - Matchable-observable linear models for multivariable identification: Structure selection and experimental results
Rodrigo Alvite Romano, Felipe Pait, Rafael Corsi Ferrão
2015 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM, Rio de Janeiro - ACTIVE MAGNETIC BEARING PROJECT FOR A SATELLITE REACTION WHEEL
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, J. J. Cruz
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Tiago Sanches da Silva, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, V. C. Parro
2012 Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (Online) - Electronic simulator of the PLATO satellite imaging system
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, Tiago Sanches da Silva, V. C. Parro
2012 Workshop Anual Sobre os Efeitos das Radiações Ionizantes em Componentes Eletrônicos e Fotônicos de Uso Aeroespacial, São José Dos Campos - The SpaceWire communication standard for space applications: An VHDL implementation
J. Nabarrete, Rafael Corsi Ferrão, V. C. Parro, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto
2011 International Spacewire Conference, San Antonio - CAMERA SIMULATOR FOR PLATO MISSION
Rafael Corsi Ferrão, V. C. Parro, Tiago Sanches da Silva, Sergio Ribeiro Augusto, Philippe Plasson, Loic Gueguen