Portfolio project made by me during "Hacking With Swift" iOS App development course.
Course: https://www.hackingwithswift.com
Mentor: Paul Hudson
This is a simple game for iPhone where the player needs to shoot as many green targets as possible to get the highest score.
The game is very simple, I used SpriteKit library, SFX, image assets and timer to made it. There are two type of targets Red(bad targets) wich subtract points from game score and Green (good targets) wich add them to the score. Targets are showing with variable speed, size and rotation angle. Depending on the size and speed the player gets different amount of points. Player has 7 bullets in the begining and once it runs out he need to reload. The interface is also simple, on the bottom there is "Bullets", "Timer" and "Score" label and at the top left corner will appear the "Restart" button when the timer is finished.
The game is not finished yet, it is missing some interface elements, it has some design issues but it is fully functional and playable .
Here are some screenshots of the game.