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Rhombus Integration Tasks

Matthew Flatt edited this page Nov 1, 2024 · 15 revisions

Add to this list and/or claim tasks here. "Claiming" can mean either that you're thinking about it an interested in discussing or actively work on it. Please claim a task in some way that would allow someone to contact you (such as a Discord username or a link to something with an email address). If you're interested in working on something and there doesn't seem to be active work just now, contact someone in "who".

what who notes
#%module-begin a way to make languages without resorting to #lang racket/base
collections interfaces and implementations beyond the built-in ones
contracts more needed?
regexp Cooper in place
serialization mflatt in place
paths samphillips initial cut in place
ports including some amount of racket/port
networking including HTML & SSL
filesystem including some amount of racket/file
strings including some amount of racket/string
date and time
SHA-256 and such
reflection & security
memory management weak references, etc.
resource management a more principled approach to dynamic-wind?
command line usaoc a more composable approach than racket/cmdline
XML/HTML @AlexKnauth
draw started
gui started
pict mflatt substantially complete
slideshow mflatt started
web server
units ?

Implementation Guidelines

Be cautious about dependencies. Instead of importing a Racket library with heavy dependencies to get something relatively easy to implement, it may be better to reimplement it in Rhombus.

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