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PageBookamrks – New Synced DB (#683)
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* Create GRDBPAgeBookmarkPersistenceTests

* Fix typo in GRDBPAgeBookmarkPersistence's name

* Copy test logic from CoreData to GRDB for bookamrks

* Add a readPublisher function to DatabaseConnection

* Implement GRDBPageBookmarkPersistence

* Add some documentation to DatabaseConnection

* Test readPublisher of DatabaseConnection

* Remove GRDBPageBookmarkPersistence's conformance to PAgeBookPErsistence

* Move GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence into a separate package

* Create SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence as the return type of SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence package

* Wrap GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence behind a SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence protocol

* Test SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence

* Linting

* Linting SQLitePersistence

* Guard against removing with an empty remote ID

* Clear unneeded modifications in Package.swift

* Edit SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence's interface for consistency

* Rename another part of the SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence's name

* Add a unique constraint on page column for the synced table

* Make SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel's types public

* Add a function to fetch bookmark for a given page

* Increase timeouts for publisher tests in DatabaseConnectionTests

* Linting
  • Loading branch information
mohannad-hassan authored Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 313e3a1 commit 852b9cc
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Showing 7 changed files with 334 additions and 4 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Data/SQLitePersistence/Sources/DatabaseConnection.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
// Created by Mohamed Afifi on 2023-05-25.

import Combine
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Utilities
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +110,20 @@ public final class DatabaseConnection: Sendable {

/// Creates a publisher that tracks changes in the results of database requests,
/// and notifies fresh values whenever the database changes
/// The first value is notified when the publisher is created. Subsequent changes *may* get coalesced in notifications.
public func readPublisher<T>(_ block: @Sendable @escaping (Database) throws -> T) throws -> AnyPublisher<T, Error> {
// - ValueObservation may coalesce subsequent changes into a single notification
// - ValueObservation fetches a fresh value immediately after a change *is committed in the database*.
// - By default, delivers on the main thread.
.publisher(in: try getDatabase())

public func write<T>(_ block: @Sendable @escaping (Database) throws -> T) async throws -> T {
let database = try getDatabase()
do {
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions Data/SQLitePersistence/Tests/DatabaseConnectionTests.swift
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import AsyncUtilitiesForTesting
import Combine
import GRDB
import XCTest
@testable import SQLitePersistence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +42,52 @@ class DatabaseConnectionTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(names, ["Alice"])

func test_readPublisher() async throws {
// Since we can't guarantee a defined sequence of intermediate states, the test
// here attempts to perform a series of changes in a way that would eventually
// deliver a specifc set of values.
// Adding some latency is key, as it allows SQLite to commit changes to the desk.
let connection = DatabaseConnection(url: testURL, readonly: false)
let publisher = try connection.namesPublisher()
.catch { _ in Empty<[String], Never>() }

var assertExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var expectedNames: [String]?
let cancellable = publisher.sink { names in
guard let expected = expectedNames else { return }

if Set(expected) == Set(names) {
assertExpectation = nil
expectedNames = nil

expectedNames = ["Alice"]
let expectation1 = expectation(description: "Expected to deliver the first batch of inserted names")
assertExpectation = expectation1
try await connection.insertNames()
await fulfillment(of: [expectation1], timeout: 2)

// Add more
expectedNames = ["Alice", "Bob", "Derek"]
let expectation2 = expectation(description: "Expected to deliver the second batch of names")
assertExpectation = expectation2
try await connection.insert(name: "Bob")
try await connection.insert(name: "Derek")
await fulfillment(of: [expectation2], timeout: 2)

// Remove one
expectedNames = ["Alice", "Derek"]
let expectation3 = expectation(description: "Expected to deliver the third batch of names")
assertExpectation = expectation3
try await connection.remove(name: "Bob")
await fulfillment(of: [expectation3], timeout: 2)


func test_sharing() async throws {
let connection1 = DatabaseConnection(url: testURL, readonly: false)
let connection2 = DatabaseConnection(url: testURL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +132,24 @@ private extension DatabaseConnection {

func insert(name: String) async throws {
try await write { db in
try db.execute(sql: "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (?)", arguments: StatementArguments([name]))

func remove(name: String) async throws {
try await write { db in
try db.execute(sql: "DELETE FROM test WHERE name = ?", arguments: [name])

func namesPublisher() throws -> AnyPublisher<[String], Error> {
try readPublisher { db in
try String.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT name FROM test")

func readNames() async throws -> [String] {
try await read { db in
try String.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT name FROM test")
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@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence.swift
// QuranEngine
// Created by Mohannad Hassan on 31/01/2025.

import Combine
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SQLitePersistence
import VLogging

public struct GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence: SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence {
// MARK: Lifecycle

init(db: DatabaseConnection) {
self.db = db
do {
try migrator.migrate(db)
} catch {
logger.error("Failed to to do Page Bookmarks migration: \(error)")

public init(directory: URL) {
let fileURL = directory.appendingPathComponent("pagebookmarks.db", isDirectory: false)
self.init(db: DatabaseConnection(url: fileURL, readonly: false))

// MARK: Public

public func pageBookmarksPublisher() throws -> AnyPublisher<[SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel], Never> {
do {
return try db.readPublisher { db in
try GRDBSyncedPageBookmark.fetchAll(db).map { $0.toPersistenceModel() }
.catch { error in
logger.error("Error in page bookmarks publisher: \(error)")
return Empty<[SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel], Never>()
} catch {
logger.error("Failed to create a publisher for page bookmarks: \(error)")
return Empty<[SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel], Never>().eraseToAnyPublisher()

public func bookmark(page: Int) async throws -> SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel? {
try await { db in
try GRDBSyncedPageBookmark.fetchOne(
db.makeStatement(sql: "SELECT * FROM \(GRDBSyncedPageBookmark.databaseTableName) WHERE page = ?"),
arguments: [page]
.map { $0.toPersistenceModel() }

public func insertBookmark(_ bookmark: SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel) async throws {
try await db.write { db in
var bookmark = GRDBSyncedPageBookmark(bookmark)
try bookmark.insert(db)

public func removeBookmark(withRemoteID remoteID: String) async throws {
guard !remoteID.isEmpty else {
logger.critical("[SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence] Attempted to remove a bookmark with an empty remote ID.")
try await db.write { db in
try db.execute(sql: "DELETE FROM \(GRDBSyncedPageBookmark.databaseTableName) WHERE remote_id = ?", arguments: [remoteID])

// MARK: Private

private let db: DatabaseConnection

private var migrator: DatabaseMigrator {
var migrator = DatabaseMigrator()
migrator.registerMigration("createPageBookmarks") { db in
try db.create(table: GRDBSyncedPageBookmark.databaseTableName, options: .ifNotExists) { table in
table.column("page", .integer).notNull().unique()
table.column("remote_id", .text).primaryKey()
table.column("creation_date", .datetime).notNull()
return migrator

private struct GRDBSyncedPageBookmark: Identifiable, Codable, FetchableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case page
case creationDate = "creation_date"
case remoteID = "remote_id"

static var databaseTableName: String {

var page: Int
var creationDate: Date
var remoteID: String

var id: Int {

extension GRDBSyncedPageBookmark {
init(_ bookmark: SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel) {
page =
creationDate = bookmark.creationDate
remoteID = bookmark.remoteID

func toPersistenceModel() -> SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel {
.init(page: page, remoteID: remoteID, creationDate: creationDate)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence.swift
// QuranEngine
// Created by Mohannad Hassan on 09/02/2025.

import Combine
import Foundation

public protocol SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence {
func pageBookmarksPublisher() throws -> AnyPublisher<[SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel], Never>
func bookmark(page: Int) async throws -> SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel?
func insertBookmark(_ bookmark: SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel) async throws
func removeBookmark(withRemoteID remoteID: String) async throws
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel.swift
// QuranEngine
// Created by Mohannad Hassan on 09/02/2025.

import Foundation

public struct SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel {
public let page: Int
public let remoteID: String
public let creationDate: Date

public init(page: Int, remoteID: String, creationDate: Date) { = page
self.remoteID = remoteID
self.creationDate = creationDate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceTests.swift
// QuranEngine
// Created by Mohannad Hassan on 01/02/2025.

import AsyncUtilitiesForTesting
import SQLitePersistence
import XCTest
@testable import SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence

final class GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceTests: XCTestCase {
private var testURL: URL!
private var db: DatabaseConnection!
private var persistence: GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence!

override func setUp() {

testURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
db = DatabaseConnection(url: testURL, readonly: false)
persistence = GRDBSyncedPageBookmarkPersistence(db: db)

override func tearDown() {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: testURL)

func testInsertion() async throws {
let pages = [1, 2, 300]

let expectedBookmarkedPages = [1, 2, 300]

let exp = expectation(description: "Expected to send the expected bookmarks")
let cancellable = try persistence.pageBookmarksPublisher()
.sink { bookmarks in
let pages =\.page)
guard Set(pages) == Set(expectedBookmarkedPages) else {

for page in pages {
try await persistence.insertBookmark(SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel(page: page))
await fulfillment(of: [exp], timeout: 1)

func testDeletion() async throws {
let pageNos = [1, 2, 300]
let pages =
for page in pages {
try await persistence.insertBookmark(page)

let expectedPageNumbers = [1, 300]
let exp = expectation(description: "Expected to send the expected bookmarks without the deleted one")
let cancellable = try persistence.pageBookmarksPublisher()
.sink { bookmarks in
let pages =\.page)
guard Set(pages) == Set(expectedPageNumbers) else {

try await persistence.removeBookmark(withRemoteID: pages[1].remoteID)

await fulfillment(of: [exp], timeout: 1)

private extension SyncedPageBookmarkPersistenceModel {
init(page: Int) {
self.init(page: page, remoteID: UUID().uuidString, creationDate: .distantPast)
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions Package.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,20 +196,29 @@ private func uiTargets() -> [[Target]] {
private func dataTargets() -> [[Target]] {
let type =
return [
// MARK: - Core Data
// MARK: - Page Bookmarks

target(type, name: "LastPagePersistence", dependencies: [
target(type, name: "PageBookmarkPersistence", dependencies: [
], testDependencies: [

target(type, name: "PageBookmarkPersistence", dependencies: [
target(type, name: "SyncedPageBookmarkPersistence", dependencies: [
.product(name: "GRDB", package: "GRDB.swift"),
], testDependencies: [

// MARK: - Core Data

target(type, name: "LastPagePersistence", dependencies: [
], testDependencies: [
Expand Down

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