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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 1, 2020. It is now read-only.

Releases: quokkaproject/quokka

Legacy Release

20 Jul 14:57
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Legacy QuokkaCMS

  • using
  • using _ namespaced commands
  • using auto loaded modules

Vintage: Old models - no namespace in urls

07 Dec 14:08
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This version has an unique core.models which leads to cyclic imports problem, it works but makes module development limited, in newer version it has been split up in different model files.

This version does not have namespace for routes, this leads to name colision, in this version you use in example url_for('tag') but in newer versions you use url_for('quokka.core.tag') and quokka.modules for third party modules.

this version does not have user profile edit page.