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Extremely lightweight reactive UI framework for the web.


  • Reactive State management/Context
  • CSS-in-JS / Scoped CSS
  • Builtin simple but extensible Widget library
  • Easy to use Flex layout
  • Lazy loading with "Future" widget
  • Integrates well with external libs like MobX and navigo router

Installation & Development

  • npm i && npm run dev
  • Go to localhost:3000
  • To try it out, check out /example
  • Happy coding!


Widgets are the core class from which all of our components are derived from.


Here we are using scoped css in conjuction with context state to render our widget styles. We use onPressed to trigger a state change event on isActive.

const App = new Container({
    css: (context) => `
	    width: 100px;
	    height: 100px;
	    backgroundColor: ${context.isActive ? 'green' : 'red};
	onPressed: context.setState(() => context.isActive != context.isActive

To render the root component of our tree, we simply import "App" from another file as such:

import App from "./example/pages/app";

Nesting children

This is how it looks when nesting children in the tree. Conditional rendering also works at all levels. You can call anything inside there as long as it returns a valid Widget.

const App = new Container({
	builder: ({children, context}) =>
			new MyOtherThing(..),
			new Container(..),
			new Text(..),
			// conditional rendering
			context.isActive ? new Text("Hello") : null

Composing a component

export const App = () => new Container({
    css: (context) => `
	    width: 100px;
	    height: 100px;
	onPressed: () => setActiveState();

function getActiveStyles() {
	const {context, setState} = App;
	return context.isActive ? 'background-color: black': null;

function setActiveState() {
	const {context, setState} = App;
	setState(() => {
		context.isActive = !context.isActive;

Extending core widgets

To get access to the constructor directly you can create your own core widgets by extending Widget or any other class that derives from the Widget class. You can look at examples of this in the /widgetsdirectory.

Example creating a FlexContainer class:

export class FlexContainer extends Container {
  constructor(props) {

    this.element = "div"; = 1; = "flex";

    if (props.alignItems) { = props.alignItems;

    if (props.justifyContent) { = props.justifyContent;
