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quancs edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 4 revisions


UPSimulator is an universal and high performance simulator for membrane computing. Now, we have supported most features of cell-like P system & tissue-like P system, and basic support for neural-like P system. Visit to download the latest version.
Please notice that: What you simulate in UPSimulator is what you use. We are not going to make any assumptions about the models you want to simulate, because we will never know that what kind of new P system will be proposed in the future, and what kind of new concepts the new P system will have. If you want to simulate one kind of P system whose concepts ( conditions and results and tunnels ) have already been supported by UPSimulator in Table 2, please just combine the conditions, results and tunnels to make it.

The main differences between PLingua and UPSimulator

Aspect PLingua UPSimulator
How to support models Support models directly (Table 2) Support models by combing different concepts (Table 1)
Supporting new models Hard. Need to recode almost everything for the new model. Easy. If the concepts in the new model exist in the old models, the new model is naturally supported. If not, only few functions need to be implemented for the new concepts in the new model.
User interfaces Command line Graphical interfaces
Format Input: PLingua language format or other format
Output: text format
Input: UPLanguage
Output: UPLanguage

Table 1. Supported concepts in UPSimulator

Concepts Cell-like P system Tissue-like P system Neural-like P system
Rule Priority
Regular Expression
Symport/ Antiport
Multiple Channels
Anti-object/ Anti-spike

Table 2. Supported models in pLingua

Classification Model
Cell-like P system[15] Active membranes with division rules Active membranes with creation rules Transition P systems Symport/antiport P systems Stochastic P systems (discontinued) Probabilistic P systems
Tissue-like P system [19], [20] Tissue P systems with symport/antiport rules and division rules Tissue P systems with cell separation rules
Neural-like P system[21] Spiking neural P systems with division, budding and delays
Other P systems Simple kernel P systems