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Releases: pyta-uoft/pyta

[2.10.1] 2025-02-19

20 Feb 02:51
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🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix import error when graphviz is not installed

[2.10.0] 2025-02-18

18 Feb 21:30
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✨ Enhancements

  • Added custom error message for comparison-with-callable
  • Changed pyta-template-file argument to now resolve the file path relative to the CWD.
  • Added a watch configuration option to the HTML reporter for persistent server mode.
  • Added server-port configuration option to specify the port number to use when serving the PyTA HTML report.
  • Added new checker option mypy-options in static-type-checker to let users override default mypy command-line arguments
  • Added documentation for overriding messages
  • Improved check_contracts error messages by ensuring a consistent format and phrasing
  • Improved rendering of if/while/for syntax blocks in control flow graphs
  • Ensured GraphViz-generated files have .gv extension
  • Export generate_cfg from python_ta.cfg
  • Move check_all configuration info to logging DEBUG level (was INFO)
  • Update list of "error" checks

💫 New checkers

  • redundant-condition: Provide error message when a conditional statement within a function is guaranteed true. This checker requires z3 option to be turned on.
  • impossible-condition: Provide error message when a conditional statement within a function is guaranteed false. This checker requires z3 option to be turned on.
  • incompatible-argument-type: Provide an error message when a function argument has an incompatible type.
  • incompatible-assignment: Provide an error message when there is an incompatible assignment.
  • list-item-type-mismatch: Provide an error message when a list item has an incompatible type.
  • unsupported-operand-types: Provide an error message when an operation is attempted between incompatible types.
  • union-attr-error: Provide an error message when accessing an attribute that may not exist on a Union type.
  • dict-item-type-mismatch: Provide an error message when a dictionary entry has an incompatible key or value type.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in static-type-checker such that mypy no longer checks imported modules in the file being checked
  • Fixed issue in autoformat where the default max-line-length value was not used
  • Fixed issue in contract-checking new_setattr where an instance attribute was not always reset when reassigning it to an invalid value
  • Fixed issue in AccumulationTable where accumulation expressions could not refer to loop variables
  • Fixed issue in snapshot where some imported objects were being included in the output
  • Fixed issue in snapshot where None was not being rendered in SVG correctly

🔧 Internal changes

  • Configured CI tests to run on environments with and without z3 dependency.
  • Refactored script.js to avoid using jQuery, and instead use vanilla Javascript functionality.
  • Configured CI to upload coverage report for both base and z3 test environments
  • Remove unnecessary calls to in raw file checkers (pycodestyle and static type checkers)

[2.9.2] 2025-01-16

16 Jan 14:52
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🐛 Bug fixes

  • Ignore annotation-only assignment statements in redundant-assignment check

[2.9.1] 2024-12-09

10 Dec 02:36
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🐛 Bug fixes

  • Added python_ta/debug/webstepper to project

[2.9.0] 2024-12-09

09 Dec 20:55
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✨ Enhancements

  • Added include_frames filter to snapshot
  • Added exclude_frames filter to snapshot
  • Added exclude_vars filter to snapshot
  • Added new python_ta.debug module with an SnapshotTracer context manager for generating memory models
  • Added z3 option to inconsistent-or-missing-returns, redundant-assignment, and possibly-undefined checkers to only check for feasible code blocks based on edge z3 constraints
  • Included the name of redundant variable in E9959 redundant-assignment message
  • Update to pylint v3.3 and and astroid v3.3. This added support for Python 3.13 and dropped support for Python 3.8. (No new checkers are enabled by default.)
  • Added a STRICT_NUMERIC_TYPES configuration to python_ta.contracts allowing to enable/disable stricter type checking of numeric types
  • Added integration with MemoryViz Webstepper
  • Added z3 option to one-iteration-checker to only check for feasible code blocks based on edge z3 constraints
  • Added reporting for errors raised by custom transforms (Z3Visitor, CFGVisitor)
  • Ensured SnapshotTracer does not include the _trace_func stack frame
  • Enabled SnapshotTracer to create its output_directory argument if it doesn't already exist
  • Changed SnapshotTracer's Webstepper code line number to align with the source code line number

💫 New checkers

  • unmentioned-parameter: Provide error message when a function parameter is not mentioned by name in the function's docstring. By default, this checker is disabled.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where snapshot errors on unserializable values
  • Fixed issue within where the memory_viz_version parameter was not respected
  • Fixed issue where parallel assignment statements and assignment to multiple targets were not checked by redundant_assignment_checker
  • Fixed issue where annotated assignment statements were not checked by redundant_assignment_checker
  • Fixed issue where empty preconditions were preventing CFGs from being generated
  • Added strict numeric type checking to enforce type distinctions across the entire numeric hierarchy, including complex numbers.
  • Added strict type checking support for nested and union types (e.g., list[int], dict[float, int], Union[int, float])
  • Fixed issue where CFG edges from loop body to loop condition block was ignored during augmenting edge z3 constraints
  • Fixed issue in one-iteration-checker where the message was not correctly reported for while loops when z3 option is on
  • Fixed crash when z3-solver is not installed
  • Fixed crash when an inline comment had no spaces after the #

🔧 Internal changes

  • Renamed ExprWrapper class to Z3Parser
  • Renamed ExprWrapper module to z3_parser and moved it to new directory python_ta.z3
  • Removed node attribute for Z3Parser
  • Renamed reduce method of Z3Parser to parse
  • Renamed test_expr_wrapper to test_z3_parser
  • Added is_feasible attribute for CFGEdge and implemented update to edge feasibility based on lists of Z3 constraints
  • Refactored codebase to use modern type annotations. Replaced List with list, Dict with dict, Set with set, and Tuple with tuple
  • Checked for variable reassignment in AugAssign and AnnAssign node in parsing edge Z3 constraints
  • Rendered logically infeasible control flow graph edges in light grey
  • Modified test_snapshot_to_json_sets_primitive for Python 3.8 compatibility
  • Added unit tests for one_iteration_checker
  • Added mock in tests to prevent browser tabs and HTTP requests during python_ta.check_all() executions.
  • Added pytest-mock as a development dependency
  • Make able to run on Windows.
  • Added GitHub Action workflow for automatically publishing releases to PyPI
  • Update SnapshotTracer tests to use [email protected] and prevent browser from opening
  • Updated bundled webstepper version and removed source map, and excluded the bundle from prettier pre-commit check

[2.8.1] 2024-08-19

20 Aug 03:24
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🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix loading of setendings plugin when z3-solver is not installed

[2.8.0] 2024-08-19

20 Aug 03:23
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WARNING: this release assumes that the z3-solver Python library is installed. Users are strongly encouraged to install v2.8.1 instead.

✨ Enhancements

  • Add new boolean configuration allow-local-imports to allow for local imports
  • Extended the snasphot function to include the relevant variables defined at the top level (global variables).
  • Include the pycodestyle error code to the error message for PEP8 style errors
  • Added date and time display to PlainReporter and ColorReporter
  • Allowed specifying allowed names in configurations allowed-import-modules and extra-imports instead of just modules
  • Improved error display for pycodestyle (E9989) errors E123, E203, E222, E226, and E262
  • Added the configuration option to ignore naming convention violations (C9103 and C9104) for names matching the provided regular expression.
  • Update to pylint v3.1 and and astroid v3.1
  • Stored actual AST condition node in edges leading out of If/While blocks in generated control flow graphs.
  • Stored valid Python function preconditions in initial edge to function code in generated function control flow graphs.
  • Report warning when control flow graph creation encounters a syntax error related to control flow
  • Added autoformat option that runs black formatting tool to python_ta.check_all()
  • Extended the snapshot function to optionally generate a svg of the snapshot using MemoryViz when save parameter is true.

💫 New checkers

Pylint checkers v3.1:

  • use-yield-from
  • deprecated-attribute

For more information on these checkers, please see the
Pylint release notes. Note that the above
list only contains the Pylint checkers enabled by default in PythonTA.

Custom checkers:

  • inconsistent-returns and missing-return-statement: Provide clearer error messages when reporting missing return statements. This replaces pylint's R1710 check.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with error message of C0410 by reformating it to properly fit with the list of modules imported that are provided to it
  • Fixed bug where _ was marked as a built-in when running PythonTA after running doctest
  • Fixed issue where annotated constant variable assignment was not considered as permissible top level code and triggered error E9992
  • Fixed issue where top level class attribute assignment was considered as permissible top level code
  • Fixed issue where check_contracts fails silently when function preconditions contain precondition violations, and when a representation invariant contains a call to a top-level function (not built-in or imported library).
  • Fixed issue where methods called in representation invariants lead to infinite recursion.
  • Fixed issue where PossiblyUndefinedChecker raised an error if the control flow graph was invalid due to syntax error

🔧 Internal changes

  • Updated changelog and pull request template formats
  • Added unit tests for PEP8 errors E115, E122, E125, E127, E129, E131 for PycodestyleChecker
  • Added unit tests for PEP8 errors E223, E224, E227, E228, E265 for PycodestyleChecker
  • Refactored test_check_on_dir in module to test on sample_dir, a subset of examples
  • Added unit test test_examples_files_pyta in to check every file in examples with PythonTA
  • Added unit tests for PEP8 errors E266, E275, E301, E303, E304 for PycodestyleChecker
  • Moved tests related to from to
  • Added more unit tests to to increase coverage of to 100%
  • Updated to reflect updated folder structure
  • Added unit test test_pycodestyle_errors_pyta in to check every file in e9989_pycodestyle with PythonTA for PEP8 errors
  • Parametrized tests for PycodestyleChecker
  • Moved tests related to out of and into new module
  • Updated GitHub Action tests to avoid running and with coverage and add verbose output for debug testing
  • Allowed GitHub Action tests to run on all pull requests, including drafts
  • Updated dependencies for GitHub Actions to use the latest versions
  • Updated dependabot configuration to auto-update dependencies for GitHub Actions in the future
  • Updated usage messages in examples/sample_usage/ of and to be accurate on all operating systems
  • Removed redundant line from tests/
  • Fixed minor typo in an error message in python_ta/cfg/
  • Updated ExprWrapper to support set/list/tuple literals and in/not in operators
  • Updated and to align with MemoryViz 0.2.0 updates
  • Updated ExprWrapper to support string variables and ==, in/not in, indexing and slicing operators
  • Added protected _z3_vars attribute to ControlFlowGraph to store variables to be used in Z3 solver
  • Removed unused imports from python_ta/cfg/
  • Extended functionality of ExprWrapper class to include function definitions' arguments and name assignments
  • Added z3 to dependencies installed as part of the docs job in the GitHub Actions workflow
  • Added tests to maintain/increase coverage of,, and
  • Removed deprecated and redundant future argument from node.frame() call in
  • Updated pylint to v3.2.6 and astroid to v3.2.4 (no new checks were enabled by default)
  • Excluded node_modules/ folder from package autodiscovery
  • Updated to augment control flow graph edges with z3 constraints
  • Added support for the != operator and replaced dictionary indexing with .get in ExprWrapper.
  • Refactored Z3Visitor to use safe_infer() instead of inferred() and added handling of AstroidError.
  • Add negate attribute to CFGEdge

[2.7.0] 2023-12-14

14 Dec 20:29
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  • Added new configuration option use-pyta-error-messages to let users choose whether PythonTA should overwrite pylint's error messages.
  • Both PlainReporter and ColorReporter emphasize specific code chunks by using overline characters under any part that is highlighted as ERROR.
  • Added snapshot function for deriving a list of dictionaries containing local variables from relevant functions and/or stack frames.
  • Added new configuration option allow-pylint-comments to let users choose whether PythonTA should allow comments beginning with pylint: or not.
  • AccumulationTable can now track variables initialized within the for loop. Prior, only variables initialized before the for loop could be tracked.
  • AccumulationTable now stores deep copies of objects rather than shallow copies, thus fixing issues that come up in case of mutation during loop.
  • AccumulationTable can now take in any accumulator expressions, for eg. x * 2, instead of just variables.
  • AccumulationTable now has an optional initialization argument output which allows the users to choose whether they want to write the Accumulation Table to a file.
  • Created a RecursionTable context manager for recursive tracing using a tabular output.
  • Support Python 3.12 (requiring upgrade to pylint and astroid 3.0)

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in ending location setting for Attribute and DelAttr nodes when the same attribute was accessed twice on the same line.
  • Fix bug where the naming-convention-violation checker was checking variables defined in a module's main block. This was inconsistent with the forbidden-global-variables checker.
  • Fixed bug with invalid-range-index: do not attempt any inference of variables in range expressions. All range arguments involving variables will be ignored by this checker.

New checkers

Pylint checkers v3.0:

  • invalid-field-call
  • return-in-finally
  • kwarg-superseded-by-positional-arg
  • unnecessary-negation (renamed from unneeded-not)

For more information on these checkers, please see the Pylint release notes. Note that the above list only contains the Pylint checkers enabled by default in PythonTA.


  • Remove experimental type inference code.

[2.6.4] 2023-11-10

10 Nov 19:51
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with invalid-range-index when variables are used in range expressions.

[2.6.3] - 2023-10-09

09 Oct 16:19
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Bug fixes

  • Ensure pycodestyle W503, line break before binary operator, is disabled (regression from 2.6.2).
  • Fix check_contracts typings so PyCharm static checking will work
  • Fix invalid-range-index bug where valid range calls were flagged as invalid