This gem provides the functionality behind the Puppet Server CA interactions. The actual CLI executable lives within the Puppet Server project.
You may install it yourself with:
$ gem install puppetserver-ca
For initial CA setup, we provide two options. These need to be run before starting Puppet Server for the first time.
To set up a default CA, with a self-signed root cert and an intermediate signing cert:
puppetserver ca setup
To import a custom CA:
puppetserver ca import --cert-bundle certs.pem --crl-chain crls.pem --private-key ca_key.pem
The remaining actions provided by this gem require a running Puppet Server, since it primarily uses the CA's API endpoints to do its work. The following examples assume that you are using the gem packaged within Puppet Server.
To sign a pending certificate request:
puppetserver ca sign --certname
To list certificates and CSRs:
puppetserver ca list --all
To revoke a signed certificate:
puppetserver ca revoke --certname
To revoke the cert and clean up all SSL files for a given certname:
puppetserver ca clean --certname
To create a new keypair and certificate for a certname:
puppetserver ca generate --certname
To remove duplicated entries from Puppet's CRL:
puppetserver ca prune
To enable verbose mode:
puppetserver ca --verbose <action>
For more details, see the help output:
puppetserver ca --help
This code in this project is licensed under the Apache Software License v2, please see the included License for more details.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then,
run bundle exec rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an
interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
To test your changes on a VM:
- Build the gem with your changes:
gem build puppetserver-ca.gemspec
- Copy the gem to your VM:
scp puppetserver-ca-<version>.gem <your-vm>:.
- Install puppetserver (FOSS) by installing the relevant release package and then installing the puppetserver package. For example:
$ wget $ rpm -i puppet-nightly-release-el-7.noarch.rpm $ yum update $ yum install -y puppetserver
- Restart your shell so that puppet's bin dir is on your $PATH:
exec bash
- Install the gem into puppet's gem directory using puppet's gem command:
$ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install --install-dir "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_gems" puppetserver-ca-<version>.gem
- To confirm that installation was successful, run
puppetserver ca --help
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome via GitHub issues.
For interactive questions feel free to post to #puppet or #puppet-dev on the Puppet Community Slack channel.
Contributions are welcome at Contributors should both be sure to read the contributing document and sign the contributor license agreement.
Everyone interacting with the project’s codebase, issue tracker, etc is expected to follow the code of conduct.